Pentagon Misinformation the Only Sure Thing in This War

To their credit, top Pentagon officials cautioned journalists and the public, since the Iraq war’s early days, that the dissemination of misinformation would be a vital weapon in their war strategy. Needless to say, they have certainly held true to their word. But what the mainstream media – seemingly little alarmed by the administration’s clear … Continue reading “Pentagon Misinformation the Only Sure Thing in This War”

Karzai: Revealed, Reviled, Orphaned, and at Bay

Recently, the international media has begun to report opinions about Karzai that are at odds with past flattering articles published in Western media. It appears that Karzai has lost the beauteous Teflon coating that was applied to him by his foreign backers, when he was plucked from obscurity, groomed as the future savior of the … Continue reading “Karzai: Revealed, Reviled, Orphaned, and at Bay”

Interdicting Proliferation Potential

The Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons involves three principal undertakings on the part of the signatories: to prevent further proliferation of nuclear weapons to pursue negotiations on a treaty of general and complete disarmament to facilitate the fullest possible exchange of equipment, materials, and technological information for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. … Continue reading “Interdicting Proliferation Potential”