Don’t Throw Away Liberty

Probably one of the most chilling statements ever made by a tyrant was Caligula’s warning: "Remember, I can do anything to anybody." Few tyrants have ever had such total power. Even in Caligula’s case, he wielded such power for a relatively short time before he was killed. The only tyrants in our time who could … Continue reading “Don’t Throw Away Liberty”

Pakistan’s Help to Iran, Libya Hikes Nuke Peril

Revelations that Pakistan’s scientists may have helped Iran’s and Libya’s secret nuclear programs raise worrisome questions about nuclear danger in South Asia, which has been described as the world’s most dangerous place. They also call for major policy changes and new arrangements for export controls on nuclear materials, and more generally, to prevent nuclear proliferation. … Continue reading “Pakistan’s Help to Iran, Libya Hikes Nuke Peril”