‘Red Hand’ Revolt in Serbia: People Power or Color Revolution?

For six weeks now, Serbia has been rattled by what purports to be a student rebellion, leading to the prime minister’s resignation last week and rumors of a snap election. Students from sixty-three colleges of five state and two private universities, as well as four high schools, have emerged as the biggest challenge to the … Continue reading “‘Red Hand’ Revolt in Serbia: People Power or Color Revolution?”

Bosnia’s Hot Summer – and Empire’s Winter

With the Empire’s attention focused almost entirely on Ukraine, it’s easy to miss the "rules-based world order" beginning to crumble elsewhere. There are stress fractures all over Europe, while things in the US have reached the point where the regime is resorting to redefining the meaning of words, from "recession" to "woman," to maintain narrative … Continue reading “Bosnia’s Hot Summer – and Empire’s Winter”

Using ‘Russiagate’ Logic, the US Claims GRU Behind ‘Sonic Attacks’

Mysterious “sonic attacks” a scientist had identified as the work of crickets are now being blamed on some kind of Russian secret sci-fi superweapon by anonymous US officials, using the same script as “bounties” and ‘Russiagate’. The “suspected directed-energy incidents” that have allegedly afflicted US diplomats and spies around the world may have been the … Continue reading “Using ‘Russiagate’ Logic, the US Claims GRU Behind ‘Sonic Attacks’”

Kosovo Sends Entire Platoon of Peacekeepers To Aid US in the Middle East

The restoration of neoliberal-neoconservative axis of interventionism in Washington is proceeding apace, with the announcement that Kosovo has sent its first contingent of peacekeepers abroad. The renegade province of Serbia, recognized by the US as an independent state since 2008 but in reality at best a vassal principality, held a ceremony on Tuesday for a … Continue reading “Kosovo Sends Entire Platoon of Peacekeepers To Aid US in the Middle East”

The Unruly Vassal: Election in Kosovo Brings US-Ousted Radical Kurti Back to Power

If preliminary results of the vote in Kosovo are accurate, the hardline "Self-Determination" (Vetevendosje) party of former PM Albin Kurti has won in a landslide, crushing the formerly dominant LDK and the two parties founded by KLA chieftains. While Kurti seems to be enjoying favorable coverage from major global outlets, the Empire has been strangely … Continue reading “The Unruly Vassal: Election in Kosovo Brings US-Ousted Radical Kurti Back to Power”

Freedom for Me But Not for Assange (or Thee): The Breathtaking Hypocrisy of CNN’s Christiane Amanpour

CNN anchor Christiane Amanpour has some strange ideas about democracy and journalism, believing her colleagues to be above elected officials – but only if they have the correct politics and serve the right masters, obviously. “We need to guard against leaders delegitimizing the press,” Amanpour exhorted her colleagues on Wednesday, speaking at the Royal Television … Continue reading “Freedom for Me But Not for Assange (or Thee): The Breathtaking Hypocrisy of CNN’s Christiane Amanpour”

Biden in Belgrade: A Trip Down NATO-Invasion Memory Lane

Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to Serbia was intended to send a message that the US stood by its policies, essentially promoting Hillary Clinton’s campaign. All it managed to do, however, was dredge up the bitter memories of the 1999 NATO invasion. Before jetting off to Belgrade on August 16, Biden gave a fiery speech … Continue reading “Biden in Belgrade: A Trip Down NATO-Invasion Memory Lane”

NATO in Montenegro: Securing the Rear Before Barbarossa II?

The strategic importance of Montenegro is inversely proportional to its size. With it, NATO will have full control of the Adriatic Sea, finish the encirclement of Serbia, and be emboldened to pursue a more aggressive stance towards Russia. Last week, the government of Montenegro signed a protocol on joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. If … Continue reading “NATO in Montenegro: Securing the Rear Before Barbarossa II?”

Kosovo: An Evil Little War (Almost) All US Candidates Liked

Although the 2016 presidential election is still in the primaries phase, contenders have already brought up America’s failed foreign wars. Hillary Clinton is taking flak over Libya, and Donald Trump has irked the GOP by bringing up Iraq. But what of Kosovo? The US-led NATO operation that began on March 24, 1999 was launched under … Continue reading “Kosovo: An Evil Little War (Almost) All US Candidates Liked”

From Sarajevo to Madaya: Starvation as Propaganda

The sudden interest of Western media and diplomats in the Syrian city of Madaya has very little to do with the thousands of purportedly starving civilians — and everything to do with propaganda in a war that is not going the way Western capitals wanted. For the past two weeks, first the Western-backed Syrian “activists” and then the mainstream … Continue reading “From Sarajevo to Madaya: Starvation as Propaganda”