Less Symbolism, More Action: Towards Meaningful Solidarity With Palestine

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign has designated the week, November 25 to December 3, as the ‘biggest-ever campaign’ aimed at boycotting Israeli products and those of companies that contribute to the Israeli military occupation of Palestine. In a recently issued press release, the civil society-led group highlighted “99 actions that will take place across the world … Continue reading “Less Symbolism, More Action: Towards Meaningful Solidarity With Palestine”

Is Flag Burning Protected Speech?

"If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion or other matters of opinion." – U.S. Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson Is flag burning protected speech? This old issue returned front and center earlier this … Continue reading “Is Flag Burning Protected Speech?”

Trump Ponders Petraeus for Senior Job

The news that President-elect Donald Trump called in disgraced retired Gen. David Petraeus for a job interview as possible Secretary of State tests whether Trump’s experience in hosting “The Celebrity Apprentice” honed his skills for spotting an incompetent phony or not. Does Trump need more data than the continuing bedlam in Iraq and Afghanistan to … Continue reading “Trump Ponders Petraeus for Senior Job”

How a Syrian White Helmets Leader Played Western Media

The White Helmets, founded to rescue victims trapped under the rubble of buildings destroyed by Syrian and Russian bombing, have become a favorite source for Western news media covering a story on Russian-Syrian bombing. Portrayed as humanitarian heroes for over the past year and even nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize last summer, the White … Continue reading “How a Syrian White Helmets Leader Played Western Media”

The Uselessness of NATO

The latest entrant into the NATO alliance, Montenegro, underscores both the absurdity of this archaic cold war relic and the dangers it poses to the United States. Yes, Montenegro is a real country, kind of: with a little over 600,000 citizens, and around 5,000 square miles, it has an army of under 2,000 soldiers and … Continue reading “The Uselessness of NATO”

Presidential War Is Unconstitutional

The Obama administration has decided to stretch the 15-year-old congressional authorization for war against the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks, or those harboring them, to include an illegal war against a group in Somalia – al-Shabab – that wasn’t even in existence at the time of the attacks in 2001. In fact, as with many … Continue reading “Presidential War Is Unconstitutional”