Once again, a scandal involving spying and the state of Israel is rocking Capitol Hill, with one big difference. This time, instead of the usual scenario where Israel is spying on us, the tables are turned and it’s those usually hapless Americans who have been secretly looking over the shoulder of their “ally.” The Wall …
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At least 52,000 people, including militants, lost their lives across Iraq during 2015.
The War on Terror has been atrocious for civil liberties in America. Yet, as (my former boss) Matt Welch noted in the LA Times on Wednesday, for all of our declining freedom post-9/11, compared to France’s response to their recent terrorist tragedy “our document is far less pliable and far more subject to robust judicial …
Continue reading “No, ISIS Isn’t Worth Sacrificing the First Amendment Over”
When I was a little boy, I used to dream of being reborn outside the hardship of the Refugee Camp in Gaza, in some other time and place where there were no soldiers, no military occupation, no concentration camps and no daily grind – where my father fought for our very survival, and my mother …
Continue reading “An Open Letter to Young Muslims Everywhere: The Seed of Triumph in Every Adversity”
At least 134 people were killed in Iraq, including civilians who were killed in a mass execution near Ramadi.
Two weeks ago, Benedict Anderson died. Or, as we say in Hebrew, "went to his world". Anderson, an Irishman born in China, educated in England, fluent in several South Asian languages, had a large influence on my intellectual world. I owe a lot to his most important book, Imagined Communities. Each of us has a …
Continue reading “Imagined Nations”
Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi visited a relatively safe zone in the recently recovered city of Ramadi, where he promised to move the fighting against the Islamic State to the northern city of Mosul. However, there are reports that he was evacuated due to rocket fire. Meanwhile, Anbar’s governor, Suhaib al-Rawi, said over a thousand militants …
Continue reading “92 Killed in Iraq as PM Comes Under Rocket Fire in Ramadi”
Each year more than one trillion dollars goes up in smoke. More accurately, it is stolen from the middle and working classes and shipped off to the one percent. I am talking about the massive yearly bill to maintain the US empire. Washington’s warmongers have sold the lie that the military budget has been gutted …
Continue reading “What Are the Chances for Peace in 2016?”
Antiwar.com is twenty years old this month! After two decades, it holds firm as a principled, wide-reaching voice for peace. None of its haters in the war party have managed to even intimidate Antiwar.com, much less eliminate it: not the post-9/11 war fever witch hunts, not the FBI, not even the Google-gon. This is cause … Continue reading “Happy 20th, Antiwar.com”
In the U.S. Constitution, the nation’s founders originally conceived of a very limited federal government that protected, rather than usurped, the liberty of its people (not just its citizens), and also defended those same people, their territory, and way of life from foreign threats. The massive federal government today regularly infringes on people’s rights in …
Continue reading “Bad Government Decisions That Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time”