Iraq Weekly Roundup: 49 Killed; 11 Injured, Including US Soldiers

At least 49 people were killed and 11 were wounded in recent violence:

Seven U.S. soldiers were injured during a raid on an ISIS camp in Iraq. Fifteen militants were killed. Iraqi authorities separately reported that an operation took place in the al-Hazimi area, west of Wadi al-Ghadaf.

Without giving any figures, Turkey announced that many guerrillas were killed in airstrikes on 20 Kurdistan Workers’ Party (P.K.K.) targets across northern Iraq. The bases were located in Asos, Gara, Hakurk, Metina, Qandil and Zap.

At least 15 guerrillas were killed in Gara and Metina. Three more were killed in the Qandil Mountains. Another two were killed in Hakurk. Also, a female P.K.K. leader was killed.

Hundreds of Kurdish villages were evacuated as clashes between Turkey and Kurdistan Workers’ Party (P.K.K.) intensified. Widespread destruction to agricultural land has been reported.

At least four children were killed and another was wounded when an old ISIS booby-trap exploded in Baaj. The bomb was planted in a home that had, until recently, been abandoned.

A I.E.D. explosion near Lake Tharthar killed two farmers who were transporting goods.

Unknown assailants killed a man and his two sons in Baiji.

The bodies of two men were found dumped near a shrine in Qara Tapa. Both men were shot; one was a federal policeman.

An I.E.D. near Haditha killed a militiaman and wounded two more while they were out on patrol.

The body of a kidnapped truck driver was found near Adhaim.

A Turkish drone was shot and destroyed over Kirkuk. It’s debris wounded a Syrian refugee.

A mass grave was recently discovered in Samawa. Although the mass grave has yet to be opened, authorities believe it will likely contain Kurdish victims of Saddam Hussein’s Anfal campaign. Although Samawa is in the south, Kurds were forcibly moved there during the campaign, before being murdered. Other graves in the area, that were previously investigated, did hold Kurds.

Author: Margaret Griffis

Margaret Griffis is a journalist from Miami Beach, Florida and has been covering Iraqi casualties for since 2006.