Iraq Daily Roundup: Four Killed; Dozens Wounded in Protests

At least four people were killed, and 75 were wounded:

Protest News:

Clashes near Wasit University in Kut left 11 protesters and 49 security personnel with injuries.

In Karbala, 11 protesters were injured when they tried to storm a government building. At least one protester was killed. Molotov cocktails were thrown at the Badr Organization headquarters.

Tires were set on fire in Basra. No casualties were reported.

Other News:

Two bodies were discovered in Wadi Hajar.

In Karbala, assassins killed a high-level militia commander, Taleb Abbas Ali al-Saedi, who was head of the Karbala Brigades.

A mortar attack on the Balad Air Base wounded four Iraqi soldiers. Although U.S. forces share the base, most American personnel were transferred recently.

Author: Margaret Griffis

Margaret Griffis is a journalist from Miami Beach, Florida and has been covering Iraqi casualties for since 2006.