Sunday: 17 Iraqis Killed, 16 Wounded

Another dramatic gold store robbery occurred in Baghdad today. Authorities believe that insurgents are attacking gold and jewelry stores in order to support their activities. At least 17 Iraqis were killed and 16 more were wounded there and across northern Iraq. Also, Awakening Council leaders are denying reports that hundreds of their fighters have defected to al-Qaeda.

In Baghdad, 12 Iraqis were killed and at least two others were wounded in a coordinated heist at three gold/jewelry stores in Mansour. Separately in Mansour, two sticky bombs killed two people. A blast in Bayaa killed a driver and wounded two others. Three people were wounded, including a doctor, in a blast in Karrada. In al-Mechanic, a blast killed an Industry Ministry employee and wounded two bystanders. Also, Interior Ministry personnel are apparently still using a controversial and completely ineffective bomb detector at checkpoints in the capital.

In Mosul, an I.E.D. wounded four policemen. Mortars wounded a man and his son.

A bomb killed a soldier and wounded an officer in Sakkar.

A U.S. vehicle was set on fire near Samawa, but no casualties were reported.

Author: Margaret Griffis

Margaret Griffis is a journalist from Miami Beach, Florida and has been covering Iraqi casualties for since 2006.