Russia as the New, All-Purpose US Pretext for Military Intervention

Since the end of World War II, America’s political elite have cycled through a variety alleged foreign demons to justify a militarized, global interventionist policy.  Vladimir Putin and the Great Russian Menace is the latest version.  Not surprisingly, U.S. officials cite it as the reason for providing extensive military and economic aid to Ukraine.  The … Continue reading “Russia as the New, All-Purpose US Pretext for Military Intervention”

Pakistan Events Confirm that Washington Prefers Compliant Autocrats Over Feisty Democrats

All signs indicated that Prime Minister Imran Khan was the most popular political leader in Pakistan.  Yet the country’s military worked behind the scenes to remove him from power through a cash-lubricated parliamentary vote.  Subsequently, he was sentenced to 3 years in prison and a 5-year ban on involvement in politics for alleged misuse of … Continue reading “Pakistan Events Confirm that Washington Prefers Compliant Autocrats Over Feisty Democrats”

Niger May be the Next US Proxy War

People who recall how the United States and its NATO partners (along with their propaganda mouthpieces in the news media) generated public support for a proxy war in Ukraine may be experiencing a sense of déjà vu.  A similar effort is now underway with respect to Niger and other countries in West Africa.  Washington is … Continue reading “Niger May be the Next US Proxy War”

Washington’s Undemocratic Military Offspring

The military takeover in Niger is the latest example of U.S.-trained officers overthrowing a democratic government.  Brig. Gen. Moussa Salaou Barmou, the chief of Niger’s Special Operations Forces and one of the leaders of the coup, received training at both Fort Benning, Georgia, and the National Defense University in Washington, D.C.  The events in Niger … Continue reading “Washington’s Undemocratic Military Offspring”

Americans Need to Acknowledge Washington’s Wartime Atrocities

Renewed attention on two historical episodes has revived debate about the wartime conduct of the United States. One was the release in theaters of the movie Oppenheimer, which highlights the role played by physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer in developing the first atomic bomb. The other episode was the 70th anniversary of the Korea Armistice, which … Continue reading “Americans Need to Acknowledge Washington’s Wartime Atrocities”

FBI Serves as a Conduit for Ukraine’s Censorship Campaign

The U.S. government has long tolerated and excused Ukraine’s authoritarian behavior even as Washington and its NATO partners have lavished financial and military aid on Kyiv. Evidence has now emerged, though, that the US national security apparatus has actively assisted Volodymr Zelensky’s regime to undermine the Constitutional rights of Americans. CNN notes damning revelations in … Continue reading “FBI Serves as a Conduit for Ukraine’s Censorship Campaign”

Uncle Sam, War Criminal

This originally appeared at the Future of Freedom Foundation. U.S. officials invariably stress their commitment to human rights and are extremely quick to condemn other countries for alleged violations. However, Washington’s conduct too often makes a mockery of that supposed commitment. The latest examples of such hypocrisy are two aspects of U.S. policy regarding the … Continue reading “Uncle Sam, War Criminal”

Would Ukraine’s Formal Membership in NATO Really Matter?

During the prelude to the NATO summit in Vilnius, there was extensive speculation about whether Ukraine would be given a clear path to membership in the alliance, with a specific timeline. Much to the disappointment of Ukraine’s government and its ardent supporters in the West, NATO leaders opted for a more limited commitment. In the … Continue reading “Would Ukraine’s Formal Membership in NATO Really Matter?”

Can Washington Be Saved from Itself at the NATO Summit?

Several crucial decisions likely will be made at this week’s NATO summit meeting. The most important of all involves Ukraine’s application to join the Alliance. Zealotry for Ukraine in some NATO capitals is so strong that that a path to membership for that country is being considered even in the midst of an ongoing war … Continue reading “Can Washington Be Saved from Itself at the NATO Summit?”

Washington’s Resurgent Military Presence in the Philippines Provokes China

When the last U.S. troops left the Philippines in the early 1990s, the prevailing assumption was that an extremely close military relationship between Washington and Manila would be just another relic of the Cold War. The decision by the Philippines Senate not to renew the US leases on Clark Air Base and Subic Bay Naval … Continue reading “Washington’s Resurgent Military Presence in the Philippines Provokes China”