Pro-War Lobby Attacks Russian Influencers

In recent weeks, there has been a surge of allegations that Moscow has long orchestrated an illegal campaign to influence U.S. public opinion. On September 4, 2024, the Justice Department charged two Russian media executives with an alleged scheme that authorities say illegally funneled millions of dollars to a Tennessee-based company [Tenet] to create and … Continue reading “Pro-War Lobby Attacks Russian Influencers”

Washington Needlessly Entangles Its Small Allies

America’s founders were extremely worried that the Republic might become entangled in quarrels that were, or should be, irrelevant to America’s own security and well-being. Several prominent founders, including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, emphasized that danger. Today’s proponents of a new foreign policy based on realism and restraint highlight similar concerns. That worry is … Continue reading “Washington Needlessly Entangles Its Small Allies”

The Republican Establishment’s Sterile Foreign Policy Perspective

Those Americans who might hope that the growing public opposition to continuing U.S. aid to Ukraine might signal a wave of fresh thinking about foreign policy in the Republican party are likely to be disappointed. Most members of the establishment cling to the idea that the principal worry about Republican policy views is the growing … Continue reading “The Republican Establishment’s Sterile Foreign Policy Perspective”

Ukraine’s Attacks on Freedom of Expression Continue

U.S. officials routinely portray Ukraine as a democratic ally and the symbol of an existential fight between freedom and authoritarianism. That simplistic portrayal has intensified since Russia launched its large-scale attack in February 2022. The reality is that Ukraine is a corrupt authoritarian state similar to Russia. Not only does Volodymyr Zelensky’s government not respect … Continue reading “Ukraine’s Attacks on Freedom of Expression Continue”

US Must Accept Spheres of Influence To Preserve Peace

U.S. leaders once understood and accepted that strong powers would insist on a security zone and broad sphere of influence in their immediate geographic region. An especially persistent feature of international affairs has been the existence of spheres of influence. Major powers routinely seek to shape the international system to their advantage and exclude, or … Continue reading “US Must Accept Spheres of Influence To Preserve Peace”

NATO’s New Burden-Sharing Objectives

From its founding in 1949 until the start of NATO’s proxy war against Russia in 2022, the principal troublesome issue for the Alliance was Washington’s repeated calls for greater burden-sharing on the part of its allies.  Discontent on Washington’s part emerged early and often.  President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, warned … Continue reading “NATO’s New Burden-Sharing Objectives”’s Determined Struggle Against the War Machine

I am extremely proud to be a scholar with It has long been the most dedicated, principled, and unflinching opponent of the powerful bureaucratic war machine that continues to drag the American people into disastrous armed conflicts around the world.’s role stands in marked contrast to most press outlets and think tanks, which … Continue reading “’s Determined Struggle Against the War Machine”

Yet Another Drug War Failure

An especially hot news item in 2024 has been the surge of drug-related violence in Ecuador.  Until recent years, Ecuador was hailed as an island of relative stability in the swirling violence of the illegal drug trade in the Western hemisphere.  The situation there contrasted with the level of chaos and violence in neighboring countries … Continue reading “Yet Another Drug War Failure”

Ending the Second Cold War

It might seem premature to talk about ending the second cold war when it seems that it is barely underway.  Just a few years ago, populations were celebrating the end of the first cold war.  That era of animosity ended with dramatic suddenness.  General Colin Powell, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, observed waggishly … Continue reading “Ending the Second Cold War”

How Washington Killed the Nuclear Arms Control System

During the Cold War, world populations faced the ongoing nightmare of a nuclear attack coming out of the blue. All it would have taken was one miscalculation by either side. Such a trigger could even have taken the form of a false alert. We know that at least one such incident nearly led to catastrophe. … Continue reading “How Washington Killed the Nuclear Arms Control System”