Turkey Offers To House Predator Drones To Keep Eye on PKK

With the impending U.S. withdrawal from Iraq just 16 weeks away, Washington has found itself in need of a new location to house its Predator drones. Not coincidentally, Ankara, which extensively uses information captured with those drones to keep track of Kurdistan Workers Party (P.K.K.) rebels, has offered to let the U.S. base those drones in Turkey. Meanwhile, at least 13 Iraqis were killed and 15 more were wounded in new violence.

Thursday: 4 Iraqis Killed, 13 Wounded

At least four Iraqis were killed in new attacks, while 13 more were wounded. A Spanish judge will look into the actions of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and three army officers, including the head of the army, in connection with a deadly raid on Camp Ashraf in 2009. Spain claims “universal jurisdiction” in cases of human rights abuses regardless of where the crimes may have taken place.