Latin America Logs Largest Increase in 2010 Military Spending

Latin America has displaced traditional high-rollers, including the Middle East and Europe, as the region registering the largest percentage increase in military spending last year, according to a new study released by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). The increase in real terms was 5.8 percent for Latin America, compared with 5.2 percent for … Continue reading “Latin America Logs Largest Increase in 2010 Military Spending”

US Still Top Arms Supplier to South as Record Sale to Saudis Pends

Despite an unusual dip in global weapons sales in 2009, the United States retained its spot as the world’s top arms supplier of developing countries, according to an authoritative new report by the Congressional Research Service (CRS). The report, the latest in an annual series produced by CRS on conventional arms sales, was released Monday … Continue reading “US Still Top Arms Supplier to South as Record Sale to Saudis Pends”