The ‘Surge’ Is A Red Herring

Bush’s "surge" speech is a hoax, but members of Congress and media commentators are discussing the surge as if it were real. I invite the reader to examine the speech. The "surge" content consists of nonsensical propagandistic statements. The real content of the speech is toward the end where Bush mentions Iran and Syria. Bush … Continue reading “The ‘Surge’ Is A Red Herring”

Jimmy Carter Speaks Truth to Propaganda

Jimmy Carter, probably the most decent man to occupy the White House, received a lot of grief during his term in office, most of it undeserved. His latest book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid has brought him even more grief, none of it deserved. My own appreciation of Jimmy Carter is new found. It began with … Continue reading “Jimmy Carter Speaks Truth to Propaganda”

Distracting Congress from the Real War Plan: Iran

Is the surge an orchestrated distraction from the real war plan? A good case can be made that it is. The US Congress and media are focused on President Bush’s proposal for an increase of 20,000 US troops in Iraq, while Israel and its American neoconservative allies prepare an assault on Iran. Commentators have expressed … Continue reading “Distracting Congress from the Real War Plan: Iran”

The Surge: Political Cover or Escalation?

The new year began on the hopeful note that Bush’s illegal war in Iraq would soon be ended. The repudiation of Bush and the Republicans in the November congressional election, the Iraq Study Group’s unanimous conclusion that the US needs to remove its troops from the sectarian strife Bush set in motion by invading Iraq, … Continue reading “The Surge: Political Cover or Escalation?”

Is Bush’s War Winding Down or Heating Up?

Most Americans believe that Bush’s Iraqi misadventure is over. The occupation has lost the support of the electorate, the Congress, the generals and the troops. The Democrats are sitting back waiting for Bush to come to terms with reality. They don’t want to be accused of losing the war by forcing Bush out of Iraq. … Continue reading “Is Bush’s War Winding Down or Heating Up?”

US Hypocrisy Reaches
All-Time High

One of the lessons of the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials of Germans after Germany’s defeat in World War II was that obeying orders is no excuse for war crimes. U.S. prosecutors took the position that the German military should have refused to obey Hitler’s orders. Chief U.S. prosecutor Robert Jackson established that military aggression was … Continue reading “US Hypocrisy Reaches
All-Time High”

Keane/Kagan Plan Means More Bloodshed

On Jan. 2, the BBC reported a leak from a "senior administration source" that President George W. Bush is going to give a speech, whose "central theme will be sacrifice," announcing an increase in U.S. troops in Iraq for security purposes. Speculation abounds whether the leak is designed to block Bush’s insane policy with protests … Continue reading “Keane/Kagan Plan Means More Bloodshed”

The Disrespect for Truth has Brought a New Dark Age

In her historical mystery, The Daughter of Time, Josephine Tey (a pen name of Elizabeth MacKintosh), has Scotland Yard Inspector Alan Grant, while confined to his hospital bed, solve the 15th century murder of the two York princes in the Tower of London. The princes were murdered by Henry VII, and the crime was blamed … Continue reading “The Disrespect for Truth has Brought a New Dark Age”

Is James Baker a Match
for AIPAC?

The report by the Iraq Study Group is an attempt by elder statesmen of the American political establishment to take U.S. foreign policy out of the incompetent hands of President Bush and the self-serving hands of the Israeli Lobby. The Iraq Study Group’s effort may or may not succeed. Others have expressed disappointment that the … Continue reading “Is James Baker a Match
for AIPAC?”

Catastrophe Still Awaits

"The real difficulty in changing any enterprise lies not in developing new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones." – John Maynard Keynes A ray of realism appeared in the confirmation hearings for Secretary of Defense nominee Robert Gates before the Senate Armed Services Committee. Gates himself said that the U.S. was not winning … Continue reading “Catastrophe Still Awaits”