Hegemonic Tyrant Courts Doom

Finding itself in Republican sights and with no Democratic power center to offer protection, National Public Radio is turning into an upscale version of Fox "News." Nevertheless, information still gets out if the listener is sufficiently attentive. On July 5, NPR’s All Things Considered interviewed two warmongers for their views on the North Korean missile … Continue reading “Hegemonic Tyrant Courts Doom”

The Reality Beneath the Flag-Waving

Americans who get their propaganda from Fox "News" or are told what to think by right-wing talk radio hosts are outraged at news reports that U.S. troops planned and carried out the rape and murder of a young Iraqi woman. They are not outraged that the troops committed the deed; they are outraged that the … Continue reading “The Reality Beneath the Flag-Waving”

Bush’s Assault on Freedom: What’s to Stop Him?

On June 29, the U.S. Supreme Court in a 5-3 decision ruled that President Bush’s effort to railroad tortured Guantanamo Bay detainees in kangaroo courts "violates both U.S. law and the Geneva Conventions." Better late than never, but it sure took a long time for the checks and balances to call a halt to the … Continue reading “Bush’s Assault on Freedom: What’s to Stop Him?”

The High Price of American Gullibility

What explains the gullibility of Americans, a gullibility that has mired the U.S. in disastrous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and that promises war with Iran, North Korea, and a variety of other targets if neoconservatives continue to have their way? Part of the explanation is that millions of conservatives are thrilled at the opportunity … Continue reading “The High Price of American Gullibility”

Will the White House Moron Bring On Armageddon?

John Bolton, a notorious neocon warmonger who could not be confirmed as America’s ambassador to the UN by even the compliant and corrupt U.S. Senate, got the job as a recess appointment. He is using the platform to push America into war with Iran. Bolton told the Financial Times (June 9) that the Bush Regime … Continue reading “Will the White House Moron Bring On Armageddon?”

War Criminal Nation

Faced with mounting civilian carnage, both from war crimes committed by demoralized and broken U.S. troops and from the raging civil war unleashed by Bush’s ill-fated, illegal invasion of Iraq, the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee has decided to waste another $50 billion to continue the lost war for five more months. Our elected "representatives" are … Continue reading “War Criminal Nation”

The Evil Is in Our Government

Is the Bush Regime a state sponsor of terrorism? A powerful case can be made that it is. In the past three years, the Bush Regime has murdered tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians and an unknown number of Afghan ones. U.S. Marines, our finest and proudest military force, are under criminal investigation for breaking … Continue reading “The Evil Is in Our Government”

How Bush Brewed the Iranian Crisis

Why did the Bush regime create a crisis over Iran? The answer is that the Bush regime is desperate to widen the war in the Middle East. What has Iran done? Unlike Israel, Pakistan, and India, countries that developed nuclear weapons on the sly, Iran signed the nonproliferation treaty. Countries that sign this treaty have … Continue reading “How Bush Brewed the Iranian Crisis”

The Administration That Won’t Stop Lying

The Bush regime has killed tens of thousands of people in Iraq and Afghanistan, mainly women and children. The deaths are excused as unintended “collateral damage” of the ongoing war, but the deaths are nonetheless important to the tens of thousands of relatives and friends. An equally important casualty of the Bush regime is truth. … Continue reading “The Administration That Won’t Stop Lying”

The Real Assault on America

The neoconservative Bush regime has adroitly used 9/11 to create a fear of terrorism among Americans that blinds Americans to the Bush regime’s assault on our constitutional system. Americans have meekly acquiesced to the Bush regime’s brutal assaults on civil liberties, human rights, the separation of powers, and statutory law, because Americans have been brainwashed … Continue reading “The Real Assault on America”