The West is being increasingly confronted with the cold realization that Ukraine cannot win this war. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has set as a threshold for victory, not only the recapture of territory up to his country’s prewar borders, but the reclamation of all of its territory to the 2014 border, including the Donbas and … Continue reading “Ukraine at the Crossroads”
Ted Snider
The War in Ukraine and the Search for the Goldilocks Formula
On Friday, September 14, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer met U.S. President Joe Biden at the White House to discuss granting Ukraine permission to use U.S. and British long-range missiles to strike inside Russia, or, at least, to discuss the U.S. granting Britain permission to allow Ukraine to use British long-range missiles. The meeting passed … Continue reading “The War in Ukraine and the Search for the Goldilocks Formula”
Double Standards Reveal the True Western Strategy
Two recent events in Europe have the potential to send shock waves well beyond the continent. The events are significant both in themselves and in how their double standards chisel away at the West’s heroic narrative and reveal the true cynical strategy. The first is France’s compromising of democracy in the appointment of a new … Continue reading “Double Standards Reveal the True Western Strategy”
As Ukraine Declines, Zelensky Shuffles His Cabinet
As military, economic and political events continue to spiral badly in Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky has undertaken the largest cabinet shuffle since the war began. Zelensky says that the cabinet shuffle is intended to reshape the government so that “Ukraine will achieve all the results we need” heading into a difficult period. Specifically, Zelensky says … Continue reading “As Ukraine Declines, Zelensky Shuffles His Cabinet”
Stand Up to Zelensky: A Plea for Sanity
It is understandable that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is asking the West for all the help they can deliver. It is the primary responsibility of a nation’s leader to protect the citizens of his nation. But by the same accounting, it is the primary responsibility of U.S. President Joe Biden to protect the citizens of … Continue reading “Stand Up to Zelensky: A Plea for Sanity”
Has US Supremacy Ended?
America has caught a whiff of a changing world. CIA Director William Burns has grudgingly acknowledged that “the United States… is no longer the only big kid on the geopolitical bloc. And our position at the head of the table isn’t guaranteed.” But America’s dogmatic inability to see past its old paradigm has prevented it … Continue reading “Has US Supremacy Ended?”
The US Is Being Accused of Three Coups
The U.S. has a long legacy of coups. During the Cold War, the U.S. participated in no less than sixty-four covert coups. They did not end when the Cold War ended. Since then, the U.S. has carried out or facilitated several coups, including in Haiti, Venezuela, Brazil, Honduras, Paraguay, Bolivia, Egypt and Ukraine. Recently, the … Continue reading “The US Is Being Accused of Three Coups”
Caution: Red Line Crossing
The highest stakes in the Ukrainian offensive into Russian territory in Kursk may turn out not to be how far they advance nor whether they can hold it. The advance seems already to be running out of gas and few in the U.S. or NATO have any expectation that Ukraine can hold onto the territory … Continue reading “Caution: Red Line Crossing”
The Cost of Kursk
The bold and surprising incursion across the border into the Kursk region of Russia has won Ukraine the temporary possession of several Russian villages and a few hundred square miles of Russian territory. But the strategically cheap Russian land may have been bought at a very costly price. The Ukrainian armed forces managed a lightning … Continue reading “The Cost of Kursk”
Does the US Know What its Partners Are Doing?
On July 31, Hamas’ political leader, Ismail Haniyeh, was killed in Tehran. U.S. officials have assessed that the killing was an Israeli operation, and Israeli intelligence officials briefed the U.S. on the details of the operation shortly after it was carried out. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken immediately stated that the operation was “something … Continue reading “Does the US Know What its Partners Are Doing?”