Is Iran Just Fooling Us?

Are we just being fooled by Iran? Are we being seduced by a Persian snake charmer only to later be stung by his nuclear bite? According to Israel we are. Israel’s Minister of Intelligence, International Relations and Strategic Affairs, Yuval Steinitz says that newly elected Iranian President Hassan Rouhani "has launched a charm offensive on … Continue reading “Is Iran Just Fooling Us?”

Iran, Egypt, and America

When Hassan Rouhani recently announced at his first press conference as the new President of Iran that he is ready to enter "serious and substantive" negotiations with the United States "if the United States shows goodwill and mutual respect", the statement was heralded by the Western media as a hopeful new beginning for Iranian nuclear … Continue reading “Iran, Egypt, and America”

Obama’s Silent Coups

America has always had two ways of stopping the undesirable course of enemy countries and switching their track: the overt and the covert. Overt means the Pentagon and covert means the C.I.A. Much has been written about the muting of Obama’s overt actions through the sending of drones in the air instead of boots on … Continue reading “Obama’s Silent Coups”