Should Panama Be Afraid of Trump’s New Imperialism?

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has recently taken to calling the Prime Minister of Canada the “Governor… of the Great State of Canada.” In the past days, he has gone beyond the jocular tone that some Canadian ministers have insisted he had, citing quite specific reasons why Canada would benefit from annexation by the States. Canadians, … Continue reading “Should Panama Be Afraid of Trump’s New Imperialism?”

Pretending Your Partners Aren’t Who They Are

Maybe Abu Mohammad al-Jolani, the leader of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), who is now the leader of Syria, really has changed. Maybe he has matured, as he told CNN, as if his years as an al-Qaeda terrorist leader were a youthful indiscretion. But the world cannot simply take the pragmatic rebel at his word. On … Continue reading “Pretending Your Partners Aren’t Who They Are”

Wishing for A Christmas Truce in Ukraine

On December 11, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that, as one of the last things he would do at the end of his term as the European Union’s rotating president, he proposed a Christmas truce between Ukraine and Russia. “At the end of the Hungarian EU presidency, we made new efforts for peace. We … Continue reading “Wishing for A Christmas Truce in Ukraine”

Sometimes It Is Hard To Understand Volodymyr Zelensky

The Russian Armed Forces are pushing west through the Donbas region of Ukraine. Their advance has consistently been called slow, but this is no longer true. In October and November, Russia captured over 1,500 square kilometers of Ukrainian territory. The pace has continued in December, and Russia is advancing on as many as eight sections … Continue reading “Sometimes It Is Hard To Understand Volodymyr Zelensky”

The Hypocrisy of Bombing Iran

President-elect Donald Trump has reportedly expressed concern that Iran could develop a nuclear bomb on his watch. In considering his options to prevent that, The Wall Street Journal reports that Trump is considering the possibility of airstrikes on Iranian nuclear facilities. Reports that Trump could be open to such an action are not inconsistent with … Continue reading “The Hypocrisy of Bombing Iran”

The Syrian Rebellion: Who Are the Big Losers?

After an inconceivably fast twelve day march through Syria by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is in exile in Moscow, his government has fallen, the more than five decade’s long Ba’ath rule of Syria is over and a group descended from Al-Qaeda is in control of Syria. The Assad regime only survived … Continue reading “The Syrian Rebellion: Who Are the Big Losers?”

One Day, Ukrainians Might Hate America

There was a time, just before and just after the war began, that Ukraine might have lost no territory but Crimea and few lives. But America said no. In December of 2021, Putin presented the U.S. and NATO with a proposal on security guarantees. Then NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has said that the “promise … Continue reading “One Day, Ukrainians Might Hate America”

The West’s Lies About Ukraine Are Refuted by Their Own Words

The strategy of constructing a narrative of lies to justify going to war is certainly nothing new. There is a long history in the U.S. that appeared to reach its apogee with the lie that Iraq had a stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. That false narrative was reused with various faces with chemical weapons … Continue reading “The West’s Lies About Ukraine Are Refuted by Their Own Words”

The Cynical Selling of the War in Ukraine

When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, the U.S. poured military aid into Ukraine in defense of the “core principles” of sovereignty, territorial integrity and the “sovereign right” every country has “to determine for itself with whom it will choose to associate in terms of its alliances.” As Western support for military aid became harder … Continue reading “The Cynical Selling of the War in Ukraine”