US and Latin America: Trouble in the Backyard

While the US is expanding into Russia’s sphere of influence, it seems to be having trouble consolidating and controlling its own sphere of influence. There may be trouble in America’s backyard. The Biden administration has been so distracted by expansion and so asleep at diplomacy that the very fundamentals of diplomacy have been neglected in … Continue reading “US and Latin America: Trouble in the Backyard”

Joe Biden and the Dearth of Diplomacy

Joe Biden promised the world that he was "opening a new era of relentless diplomacy." Either those were just words or Biden has lost control of his foreign policy. Rather than the birth of diplomacy, the first sixteen months of Biden’s term in office have seen a dearth of diplomacy. On all the major issues, … Continue reading “Joe Biden and the Dearth of Diplomacy”

Five Reasons To Be Increasingly Worried About the War in Ukraine

The New York Times reported on May 1 that "the Biden administration" – the same one that ignored Putin’s warnings about Russia’s red line regarding NATO expansion to Ukraine – "increasingly casts aside fears expressed by some early in the war that too much American assistance to Ukraine risked a direct conflict with President Vladimir … Continue reading “Five Reasons To Be Increasingly Worried About the War in Ukraine”

Iran Talks Stall: Does America Even Believe in Diplomacy Anymore?

Joe Biden promised that he would be the president of diplomacy. He promised that, after the turmoil of the bellicose Trump years, he would usher in the age of "relentless diplomacy." But the US has been absent from negotiations on the war in Ukraine and Secretary of State Antony Blinken hasn’t spoken to his Russian … Continue reading “Iran Talks Stall: Does America Even Believe in Diplomacy Anymore?”

Why Russia Went to War Now

In April 2019, Volodymyr Zelensky received 73% of the run-off vote and was elected President of Ukraine on a platform that featured making peace with Russia and signing the Minsk Agreement. The Minsk Agreement offered autonomy to the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of the Donbas that had voted for independence from Ukraine after the 2014 … Continue reading “Why Russia Went to War Now”

Where’s the Truth? How the CIA Shapes the Minds of Americans

Like Orwell’s Ministry of Truth, propaganda is pouring out of the US that is shaping our perceptions of the war in Ukraine. It is produced by the CIA, it is pronounced by the State Department and it is published by the media. It is coming from everywhere. The heroes and the villains were cast from … Continue reading “Where’s the Truth? How the CIA Shapes the Minds of Americans”

Biden’s Hypocrisy on Accusing Russia of War Crimes

Do you want to charge Russia with war crimes? Go for it. Though Russia felt the tide of existential threat at their borders, they were not under imminent attack, and they did not seek Security Council approval. So the moment they launched a war against Ukraine, Russia had broken international law and committed a war … Continue reading “Biden’s Hypocrisy on Accusing Russia of War Crimes”

Biden Calls for a Coup – Again

Biden’s recent European tour left a trail of miscalculations and missteps. And he was not helped by the travels of Secretary of State Antony Blinken either. If Biden and Blinken are trying to convince the world that the battle against Russia is a generational battle between democracy and autocracy – childishly framed as a Manichean … Continue reading “Biden Calls for a Coup – Again”

Partnering With Neo-Nazis in Ukraine: An Inconvenient History

Volodymyr Zelensky defeated Petro Poroshenko in the 2019 election on a platform that included making peace with Russia and signing the Minsk Agreements. The Minsk Agreements would have granted a degree of autonomy to the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of the Donbas that had voted for independence from Ukraine after the 2014 US backed coup … Continue reading “Partnering With Neo-Nazis in Ukraine: An Inconvenient History”