A Bad Idea Resurfaces: Using the US Military Against Mexico’s Drug Cartels

There has been a recent flurry of proposals to have the U.S. military launch a full-scale war against Mexican drug cartels – primarily to stem the alleged fentanyl crisis. Former Attorney General William P. Barr initiated the latest campaign with an op-ed in the March 2, 2023, Wall Street Journal. "America can no longer tolerate … Continue reading “A Bad Idea Resurfaces: Using the US Military Against Mexico’s Drug Cartels”

Economic Sanctions Are Simultaneously Ineffective and Cruel

Joe Biden’s administration keeps boasting about how successful international sanctions have been in punishing Russia for invading Ukraine. But that boast is increasingly hollow, both with respect to the extent of international unity and the success of the sanctions. Instead of being a success story, the U.S.-led sanctions campaign against Russia is fast becoming another … Continue reading “Economic Sanctions Are Simultaneously Ineffective and Cruel”

Western News Media Downplay Ukraine War Crimes

In late March, the United Nations issued a new report on war crimes being committed by both Russian and Ukrainian forces. The document provides a shocking litany of brutal behavior on the part of both militaries, although the investigators concluded that Russian units have committed the majority of offenses. Given the extent of Western pressure … Continue reading “Western News Media Downplay Ukraine War Crimes”

Is Weakening Support for Ukraine War Following a Historical Pattern?

Reprinted with permission from the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft Recent public opinion surveys regarding the extent of domestic backing for Washington’s Ukraine policy provide a decidedly mixed picture. A majority of Americans still support the Biden administration’s efforts to assist Kyiv’s war effort through financial and military aid and the sharing of military intelligence … Continue reading “Is Weakening Support for Ukraine War Following a Historical Pattern?”

Volodymyr Zelensky Is Washington’s New Jonas Savimbi

Most advocates of aiding Ukraine in its fight against Russia do not merely contend that the move is justified to repel an act of aggression that threatens to legitimize wars of conquest. Instead, they portray Ukraine as a freedom-loving democracy and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as a heroic democratic champion, who deserves even more U.S. … Continue reading “Volodymyr Zelensky Is Washington’s New Jonas Savimbi”

NATO’s Phony (and Dangerous) Nonbelligerent Status Regarding the Ukraine War

U.S. leaders and their media allies have fostered numerous, self-serving myths about the war in Ukraine. One myth is that Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine was entirely unprovoked, since NATO’s expansion to Russia’s border was not a hostile act. Another fable is that Ukraine is a freedom-loving democracy. Still another is that the Russia-Ukraine … Continue reading “NATO’s Phony (and Dangerous) Nonbelligerent Status Regarding the Ukraine War”

Using Ukraine as a Bloodied Pawn

U.S. and NATO officials routinely contend that assisting Ukraine in its war against Russia is a moral as well as a strategic imperative. Ukraine is supposedly on the frontlines of a global struggle between democracy and freedom on one side and brutal authoritarianism on the other. That justification lacks credibility for two reasons. First, Ukraine … Continue reading “Using Ukraine as a Bloodied Pawn”

How Will the Blob React if Ukraine Faces Defeat?

Given Ukraine’s surprisingly effective counteroffensive against Russian forces in the autumn of 2022, there has been an increasing focus among Western officials and their media allies about Russia’s probable response to an overall Ukrainian triumph in the war. There has been far less discussion about how the United States and its European partners will respond … Continue reading “How Will the Blob React if Ukraine Faces Defeat?”

Why Are Critics Afraid To Confront the Ukraine Lobby?

There is a concerted effort in the United States and Europe to intimidate, smear, and silence anyone who dares criticize Ukraine’s government or the Biden administration’s policy on the Russia-Ukraine war. The latest example was the decision of the Congressional Progressive Caucus to retract an open letter it had sent to the president just days … Continue reading “Why Are Critics Afraid To Confront the Ukraine Lobby?”

Why Are Critics Afraid To Confront the Ukraine Lobby?

There is a concerted effort in the United States and Europe to intimidate, smear, and silence anyone who dares criticize Ukraine’s government or the Biden administration’s policy on the Russia-Ukraine war. The latest example was the decision of the Congressional Progressive Caucus to retract an open letter it had sent to the president just days … Continue reading “Why Are Critics Afraid To Confront the Ukraine Lobby?”