How Do They Get Away With It?

It is not an enjoyable experience watching the Republican Party descend into the depths of propaganda and falsehood. Today’s disaffected Republicans once believed the GOP to be the party of principle. Any remaining claim to principle ended with Bush’s invasion of Iraq. No informed person believed that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction or … Continue reading “How Do They Get Away With It?”

The Sins of Clinton vs. Bush

Unsure how to judge the Bush administration? Read former U.S. Rep. Bob Barr’s book on the Clinton administration. Bob Barr is an unusual person, a prosecutor who cares about civil liberty. Barr served four terms (1995-2003) as a Republican congressman from Georgia. He was one of the more intelligent members of the House. Barr is … Continue reading “The Sins of Clinton vs. Bush”

The Star Chamber Is Back

Are George Bush and Tony Blair building democracy in the Middle East or police states at home? There is no sign of democracy in Iraq. Bush has installed a puppet government backed up by U.S. military force. America’s hamhanded occupation has resulted in large civilian casualties, prison tortures and a breakdown in public order. Domestic … Continue reading “The Star Chamber Is Back”

Follies of the High and Mighty

If a mandatory evacuation from your storm-threatened holiday leaves you with time on your hands, or you have energy left for reading after the hassles of airport security and can block out the incessant blared warnings over the airport loudspeakers, here are some diverting suggestions. For light reading with a weighty message, try Bill Fawcett’s … Continue reading “Follies of the High and Mighty”

Neocons the Real Present Danger

President Bush’s neoconservatives have announced that they are relaunching the Committee on the Present Danger. The new CPD will be totally different from the original. I was a member of the Committee on the Present Danger. It was a bipartisan private organization consisting largely of former presidential appointees who distrusted naiveté about Soviet intentions. One … Continue reading “Neocons the Real Present Danger”

Role Reversal: A Response to Readers

In my June 29, 2004, column, “Role Reversal,” I pointed out that now it is the Republicans who argue that government can be trusted with any amount of power in the name of the “war on terror.” I quoted from Al Gore’s speech at Georgetown University Law Center, in which Gore argued that the “war … Continue reading “Role Reversal: A Response to Readers”

Plenty of Blood, No Foul

Key intelligence used to justify war with Iraq has now been shown to be unreliable, concludes Lord Butler in the British government’s report about the misinformation that caused a pointless war. Nevertheless, says Lord Butler, there is no one to blame for the thousands of deaths, the massive destruction, and subsequent creation of a new … Continue reading “Plenty of Blood, No Foul”