Obama Channeling Cheney

Well that tears it. At least for you who considered President Barack Obama our best chance to avoid a war of aggression with Iran. Apparently Obama has been invaded by the same spirit that has long been speaking through Dick Cheney. According to his campaign aides, Obama told a synagogue in Philadelphia last week that: … Continue reading “Obama Channeling Cheney”

King George and Iran’s Inalienable Rights

Great Zot! After first “Reaffirming its commitment to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the need for all States Party to that Treaty to comply fully with all their obligations, and recalling the right of States Party, in conformity with Articles I and II of that Treaty, to develop research, production and use … Continue reading “King George and Iran’s Inalienable Rights”

Aluminum Tubes – The Sequel

On February 26, 2008, the world-renowned New York Philharmonic orchestra, under the baton of Lorin Maazel, performed works by Wagner, Dvorak, Gershwin, Bizet and Bernstein in Pyongyang, capital city of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. On March 2, 2008, the United States and South Korea launched "Key Resolve" and "Foal Eagle," joint military exercises, … Continue reading “Aluminum Tubes – The Sequel”

Tenet’s War

Well, now that you’ve seen the Frontline expose, entitled “Bush’s War,” based upon documentary videos and more than 400 extended interviews with major participants and media sycophants, you may yet have a few unanswered questions. Chief among them is the question many of those major participants and media sycophants have asked (or certainly ought to … Continue reading “Tenet’s War”

Scott Ritter: Reflections

To celebrate the fifth anniversary of President Bush’s launch – in defiance of the UN Security Council – of a war of aggression against Iraq, the New York Times asked nine "experts on military and foreign affairs" to "reflect" now upon their positions taken then. Several of the nine NYT "experts" had been demanding for … Continue reading “Scott Ritter: Reflections”

Unwilling to Nuke?

According to the Washington Times, a "former senior Defense official" (SecDef Cheney?) knows "for a fact" that Adm. William J. Fallon – commander of all U.S. armed forces in the MidEast and Persian Gulf regions – "was fired" last week because Iran and Syria were allegedly allowing "foreign fighters" to cross into Iraq and "kill … Continue reading “Unwilling to Nuke?”

Operation Merlin II

Well, here we go again. "Information" about Iran’s alleged nuke weaponization program, turned over to the Secretariat of the International Atomic Energy Agency late last year, was presented last week to the IAEA Board of Governors by IAEA’s Deputy Director-General Olli Heinonen. Iran’s Ambassador Ali Asghar Soltanieh, who was present, was reportedly enraged that the … Continue reading “Operation Merlin II”

Iran’s Sisyphean Task

Sisyphus was a character in Greek mythology, condemned to roll a huge rock to the top of a steep hill, with said accursed rock rolling back down again the moment Sisyphus thought he had accomplished his task. In the modern version of this Greek tragedy, G. Aghazadeh, Vice-President of Iran and President of the Atomic … Continue reading “Iran’s Sisyphean Task”

Nukes and Rumors of Nukes

On 21 August, 2007, Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei of the International Atomic Energy Agency came to an "understanding" with Iran on a "work plan" for resolving outstanding "issues" tangentially related to the implementation of Iran’s Safeguards Agreement. On the eve of what is expected to be the issuance of the final IAEA report on that resolution, … Continue reading “Nukes and Rumors of Nukes”

Loose Nukes, Here and There

According to a recent report by the Congressional Research Service, entitled "Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons: Proliferation and Security Issues," "The main security challenges for Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal are keeping the integrity of the command structure, ensuring physical security, and preventing illicit proliferation from insiders. "While U.S. and Pakistani officials express confidence in controls over Pakistan’s nuclear … Continue reading “Loose Nukes, Here and There”