Sandbagging the EU

Last November, the governments of France, Germany, and the United Kingdom – supported by the European Union – and the Islamic Republic of Iran forwarded to the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency an agreement they requested he circulate to all IAEA member states. The agreement began with the Europeans (E3/EU) recognizing “Iran’s … Continue reading “Sandbagging the EU”

Condi Desperate to Stop EU-China-Iran Chain Reaction

Condi Rice’s European debut as our second female Secretary of State provoked – at least amongst the media elite in Paris and London – a feeding-frenzy. She has become – and may well remain – a media darling. [You may recall that our first female Secretary of State – Madeline Albright – was once mistaken … Continue reading “Condi Desperate to Stop EU-China-Iran Chain Reaction”

ElBaradei Keeps His Eye on the Ball

In an interview with Newsweek‘s Lally Weymouth at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland last week, Mohamed ElBaradei, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency discussed his accomplishments thus far and his plans for a third term. In 2003, both Iran and Libya had agreed to sign an Additional Protocol to their IAEA Safeguards … Continue reading “ElBaradei Keeps His Eye on the Ball”

The Impossible Dream in the SOTU

Perhaps you’ve been wondering how this passage about Iran crept into President Bush’s 2005 State of the Union Address (SOTU): "Today, Iran remains the world’s primary sponsor of terror, pursuing nuclear weapons while depriving its people of the freedom they seek and deserve. We are working with European allies to make clear to the Iranian … Continue reading “The Impossible Dream in the SOTU”

Let the Israelis Do It?

Hours before his "ratification" inaugural, Vice President Dick Cheney was chatting with Don Imus on MSNBC about Iraqi and Iranian "nuclear programs." Now, Cheney appears to know the difference between a "nuclear program" and a "nuclear weapons program." Bush may not. In any case, both Cheney and Bush want you to hear "nuclear weapons" when … Continue reading “Let the Israelis Do It?”

Targeting Iran

Pulitizer Prize Winner Seymour Hersh first revealed – and neocrazy sycophants at the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and UPI reluctantly confirmed – that the Bush-Cheney Administration has been conducting secret "reconnaissance" missions inside Iran since at least last summer. "Much of the focus is on the accumulation of intelligence and targeting information on … Continue reading “Targeting Iran”

Who Voted for War With Zimbabwe?

According to the Washington Post, President Bush believes his reelection constitutes a "ratification" of his "approach toward Iraq." Far from being "ratified" in the rest of the world – including the United Kingdom – Bush’s "approach toward Iraq" has given rise to concerns about the current state of international law in general and whether the … Continue reading “Who Voted for War With Zimbabwe?”

Outposts of Tyranny

Well, on the eve of Bush’s second inaugural, we finally got some good news about Operation Iraqi Freedom, already the worst foreign policy disaster – and potentially the worst military disaster – in America’s history. Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz said he was encouraged because "since June 1, there have been more Iraqi police … Continue reading “Outposts of Tyranny”

Tragedy or Farce?

Sometimes you don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Like when you heard President Bush tell ABC’s Barbara Walters, “I felt like we’d find weapons of mass destruction – like many here in the United States, many around the world. The United Nations thought he had weapons of mass destruction. So, therefore: one, we need … Continue reading “Tragedy or Farce?”

Coming Up Empty

President Bush relied almost exclusively upon the top-secret 2002 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iraq’s Continuing Programs for Weapons of Mass Destruction for justification of his pre-emptive invasion of Iraq to "disarm" Saddam Hussein. On the eve of the invasion, anyone – including Congressional leaders – having access to that top-secret document ought to have … Continue reading “Coming Up Empty”