UN Referral – Not

For at least the past six months, neo-crazy media sycophants have been “reporting” that if the French-Brit-German negotiations with Iran fail to produce the result demanded by the neo-crazies – namely, the permanent cessation of all Iranian nuclear fuel-cycle activities – the US will “refer” the matter to the UN Security Council for action. Who … Continue reading “UN Referral – Not”

NPT Vigilantes

Jackie Sanders, special representative of the president for the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, began her address to the Seventh Review Conference of the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons by noting that on March 7 of this year, President Bush urged all NPT parties to take "strong action" to confront the "threat of noncompliance" … Continue reading “NPT Vigilantes”


On arriving for her first visit to South Korea as Secretary of State, Condi Rice undiplomatically went straight to Command Post Tango, the underground bunker from which Air-Naval-Ground operations would be controlled in the even of a “contingent” war with North Korea. Rice’s visit coincided with a twice-yearly “exercise” of that contingent war plan. Two … Continue reading “Condi-Diplomacy”

Bush’s Nutty Referral

Well, according to Reuters, France-Britain-Germany "warned" Iran that they will "break off talks and join Washington in seeking UN Security Council action if Tehran makes good on its threats to resume atomic work." Poodle Blair promptly announced, “We certainly will support referral to the UN Security Council if Iran breaches its undertakings and obligations." What … Continue reading “Bush’s Nutty Referral”

Strengthen the NPT – or Else

One of the more hilarious charges leveled against Bonkers Bolton recently was that he was too preoccupied with winning confirmation as ambassador to the United Nations to prepare the U.S. delegation for the Seventh Review Conference of the Treaty on Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Levelers of this charge assume that Bush and Bolton want to … Continue reading “Strengthen the NPT – or Else”

Weapons of Mass Destruction – Not!

This article first appeared on WorldNetDaily in May 2002. Sad to say, scaring the pants off you soccer moms and mall rats has become a growth industry in this country, gainfully employing thousands of people, in and out of government. The scare-monger battle cry is that terrorists are planning to use various weapons of mass … Continue reading “Weapons of Mass Destruction – Not!”

Badgering the NPT

In her opening statement to the Sixth Review Conference of the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons held at UN Headquarters five years ago, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright encouraged conferees to focus on three key issues: how the treaty is working to (a) prevent nuclear proliferation, (b) advance nuclear disarmament, and (c) enhance … Continue reading “Badgering the NPT”

Iran Defends the NPT

Iran’s Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi’s address to the Seventh Review Conference of the Treaty on Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons was a diplomatic masterpiece – in sharp contrast to the undiplomatic badgering of the Conferees about alleged “loopholes” in the Treaty by the head of our delegation, Stephen Rademaker. Kharrazi focused on how to strengthen the … Continue reading “Iran Defends the NPT”

The Dubious Legality of the Iraq War

Evidently, Prime Minister Tony Blair failed to “properly inform” the House of Commons about the legality of the Bush-Blair use of force against Iraq. Indeed, Blair may have deliberately misinformed them. Commons passed on March 19, 2003, the British Government’s Motion on Iraq, which “Notes that in the 130 days since Resolution 1441 was adopted … Continue reading “The Dubious Legality of the Iraq War”

Oh, What a Lovely War

The "legality" of the Bush-Blair invasion and occupation of Iraq hasn’t presented – so far – much of a problem for President Bush. However, it seems to be presenting quite a problem for Prime Minister Tony Blair. In making the case for the Bush-Blair war against Iraq, Blair evidently failed to disclose to Parliament and … Continue reading “Oh, What a Lovely War”