Embedded Jailbird’s Song?

You don’t suppose the principal reason President Bush named Bonkers Bolton to be our Ambassador to the United Nations – even though the Senate declined to confirm him – was so Bolton could claim "diplomatic immunity" when the Feds come to arrest him? For what crime? Well, perhaps Judith Miller of the New York Times … Continue reading “Embedded Jailbird’s Song?”

Media Sycophant Jailbird?

Neo-crazy media sycophant Judith Miller of the New York Times, an "embedded" reporter in Bush’s war of aggression against Iraq – and in the subsequent futile hunt for the weapons of mass destruction she had frequently reported Saddam Hussein had – is currently embedded in jail for refusing to testify before a grand jury. On … Continue reading “Media Sycophant Jailbird?”

No Stinking Badges

According to neo-crazy media sycophants at the New York Times and elsewhere, the Bush-Cheney administration is currently engaged in the six-party talks "aimed at ending North Korea’s nuclear weapons programs" and is "supporting" European Union efforts to force Iran "to end its nuclear weapons program." But media sycophants to the contrary, that is not what … Continue reading “No Stinking Badges”

Emasculating Nonproliferation

Perhaps President Bush had decided even before taking office to replace the existing nuke-proliferation-prevention regime – largely our creation – because the regime no longer automatically did our bidding. In particular, when the Security Council discovered in the immediate aftermath of the Gulf War that Iraq had been attempting to enrich uranium for use in … Continue reading “Emasculating Nonproliferation”

Tearing Up the NPT

Well, that tears it. Or, rather, tears it up. President Bush effectively tore up the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons by announcing this week that "as a responsible state with advanced nuclear technology, India should acquire the same benefits and advantages as other such states." Translation? Even though India refused to be a Party … Continue reading “Tearing Up the NPT”

Getting Serious About a No-Nuke Korea

While in Beijing two weeks ago, Condi told her media sycophants that she and President Bush "have no intention to invade or attack North Korea." Furthermore, "we look forward to making progress in the six-party talks because we must all be dedicated to a non-nuclear Korean Peninsula." Condi certainly knows the truth about Bush’s intentions … Continue reading “Getting Serious About a No-Nuke Korea”

US Proliferation Rhetoric and Reality

Last year, President Bush made a number of proposals to "strengthen" the existing weapons of mass destruction proliferation-prevention regime. He proposed expanding his Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) to interdict what he deems to be illicit transfers by "proliferation networks." He urged the adoption of a UN Security Council resolution criminalizing such illicit international transfers, thereby … Continue reading “US Proliferation Rhetoric and Reality”

Condi Kills an EU-Iranian Agreement

Even after years of go-anywhere, see-anything inspections, Mohamed ElBaradei, director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, continues to report to the IAEA Board of Governors that he can find no indication that Iran now has, ever had, or intends to have a nuclear weapons program. Nevertheless, last week Secretary of State Condi Rice determined – … Continue reading “Condi Kills an EU-Iranian Agreement”


There are two possibilities. Either Secretary Rice is remarkably misinformed about – among other things – the role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in verifying that the nuclear programs of parties to the Treaty on Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons are strictly for peaceful purposes; or, she is well informed and is deliberately trying to … Continue reading “CondiPerfidy”

Defining Proliferation Downward

President Bush will no doubt have UN Ambassador John Bolton – once ensconced – demand the Security Council endorse the implementation of his Proliferation Security Initiative. That is, demand the Security Council endorse the use of (1) economic sanctions; (2) interdiction and seizure; and/or (3) preemptive military force against any and all entities Bush judges … Continue reading “Defining Proliferation Downward”