America’s Newest Strategic Partner

“The U.S.-India civil nuclear deal is a strategic win,” according to Secretary of State Condi Rice, and “seen in the larger context of the elevation of India-United States relationship” to “a strategic partnership,” she urged Congress this week to approve it. How can a “civil” nuclear deal do that? It can’t. It’s really a deal … Continue reading “America’s Newest Strategic Partner”

Why We’re at War

Bonkers Bolton told State Department reporters in Washington this week that if Iran’s government doesn’t halt enrichment work and somehow prove its nuclear effort is peaceful, the "likely next step" would be a "Chapter VII resolution under the UN Charter." Article 39 of Chapter VII says – "The Security Council shall determine the existence of … Continue reading “Why We’re at War”

Security Council Defies Bolton

Under a Safeguards Agreement concluded by Iran with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) – as required by the Treaty on Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) – Iran agreed to allow IAEA inspectors to satisfy themselves that no "source or special nuclear materials" are being used or have been used in furtherance of a nuclear … Continue reading “Security Council Defies Bolton”

Bolton Really Is Bonkers

“This is a real test for the Security Council. There’s just no doubt that for close to 20 years, the Iranians have been pursuing nuclear weapons through a clandestine program that we’ve uncovered. “If the U.N. Security Council can’t deal with the proliferation of nuclear weapons, can’t deal with the greatest threat we have with … Continue reading “Bolton Really Is Bonkers”

Condi for NFL Commissioner

You probably saw where Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice ruled out applying for the job of NFL commissioner after Paul Tagliabue retires. "Unfortunately, it came open at the wrong time. "Obviously, I’m very busy as secretary of state, and I intend to continue to be secretary of state as long as the president of the … Continue reading “Condi for NFL Commissioner”

More Failed Diplomacy

Back in November, 2004, the United Kingdom, France and Germany (E3) undertook to negotiate with Iran on behalf of the European Union a mutually acceptable long-term agreement which would provide the EU “objective guarantees” that Iran’s nuclear program is exclusively for peaceful purposes. Now, why would Iran agree to provide additional guarantees, above and beyond … Continue reading “More Failed Diplomacy”

Preventing International Crimes

When Bush went to Congress in September 2002, seeking “specific statutory authorization” to invade Iraq, he based his case on what we now know was “fixed” intelligence – a hastily completed National Intelligence Estimate, which supposedly contained, but did not – positive proof that Saddam was reconstructing his nuke and chem-bio programs with the intention … Continue reading “Preventing International Crimes”

Washington: The Biggest NPT Violator

Well, according to President Bush’s 2006 National Security Strategy, “America is at war. “This is a wartime national security strategy required by the grave challenge we face – the rise of terrorism fueled by an aggressive ideology of hatred and murder, fully revealed to the American people on September 11, 2001. “This strategy reflects our … Continue reading “Washington: The Biggest NPT Violator”

The IAEA Pleads Incompetence

As a signatory to the Treaty on Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, Iran is required to subject all “source or special fissionable material” being produced, processed, or used in any principal facility to verification – “in accordance with the Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency” – that none is diverted from peaceful uses, to use … Continue reading “The IAEA Pleads Incompetence”

More Bushlet Diplomacy

Last week Broad and Sanger made a characteristically misleading – but sometimes uncharacteristically revealing – report in the New York Times with respect to what would transpire in the aftermath of the March meeting of the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Their report began this way: “When Iran defiantly cut the … Continue reading “More Bushlet Diplomacy”