Judy-Baby vs. Time

Judy, Judy, Judy! Undeterred by her 85 days in jail, the neo-crazy media sycophant is at it again, this time in the Wall Street Journal. According to Judith Miller: “When Libya dramatically declared on Dec. 19, 2003, that it was abandoning its rogue ways, President Bush and other senior officials praised Libya and Moammar al-Gadhafi, … Continue reading “Judy-Baby vs. Time

Western-Style Democracy – No!

If you haven’t read the letter Mahmoud Ahmdinejad, president of Iran, has just sent to President Bush, maybe it’s because the media elite have deliberately kept it from you. Why would they do that? Well, according to Condi Rice – a leading candidate for worst secretary of state, ever – the first direct communication from … Continue reading “Western-Style Democracy – No!”

Building Confidence

Pursuant to a Safeguards Agreement [.pdf] concluded in 1974 with the International Atomic Energy Agency – as required by the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons – Iran has been allowing IAEA inspectors to verify that no “source or special nuclear materials” are being used in furtherance of a nuclear weapons program. Then, in 2003, … Continue reading “Building Confidence”

The Security Council
Deadline Myth

Under a Safeguards Agreement concluded with the International Atomic Energy Agency – as required by the Treaty on Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons – Iran agreed to allow IAEA inspectors to “verify” that no “source or special nuclear materials” are being used in furtherance of a nuclear weapons program. During the past three years, every report … Continue reading “The Security Council
Deadline Myth”

Why Bush Is Going Nuclear

Just before Christmas, a few days after President Bill Clinton had been impeached by the House of Representatives, Clinton received intelligence from Iraqi exiles that Saddam Hussein and his entourage would be spending a specific night in an underground bunker beneath one of his palaces. Facing possible removal from office for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” … Continue reading “Why Bush Is Going Nuclear”

Nuke Bunker Busters

Seymour Hersh’s stunning article – “The Iran Plans” – in the New Yorker magazine about Bush’s plans to preemptively take out the Iranian nuclear program, using bunker-buster nukes “if necessary,” has created quite a stir. And rightly so. In the first place, all known Iranian nuclear facilities and activities have been made subject to a … Continue reading “Nuke Bunker Busters”

Busting Empty Bunkers

On April 12, Bloomberg News reported, "Iran, defying United Nations Security Council demands to halt its nuclear program, may be capable of making a nuclear bomb within 16 days, a U.S. State Department official said. "Iran will move to ‘industrial scale’ uranium enrichment involving 54,000 centrifuges at its Natanz plant, the Associated Press quoted deputy … Continue reading “Busting Empty Bunkers”

Neo-Crazy Plans for Iran

If you haven’t already read Seymour Hersh’s stunning article, “The Iran Plans,” in the New Yorker magazine about President Bush’s plans to preemptively “take out” what the Israelis claim is an Iranian secret nuke-oriented uranium-enrichment program, you’d better do it soon, because Hersh claims the plans are already in the early stages of implementation. There … Continue reading “Neo-Crazy Plans for Iran”