Yet Another Famous Victory

When President Bush the Junior first rode into town with his vigilante entourage, North Korea was still a signatory to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and had made all NPT proscribed materials, facilities and activities subject to International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards. More importantly, North Korea was adhering – as best the IAEA … Continue reading “Yet Another Famous Victory”

Son of Agreed Framework

On 29 November 1990, the United Nations Security Council authorized "Member States co-operating with Government of Kuwait" to "use all necessary means" to compel Iraq "to withdraw all its forces to the positions in which they were located on August 1, 1990." It then took about three months for a coalition of Member States – … Continue reading “Son of Agreed Framework”

Secrets Bush and
Cheney Can’t ‘Declassify’

If “reporters” covering the Scooter Libby trial for alleged perjury and obstruction of justice had bothered to read President Bush’s Executive Order 12958 of March 28, 2003 – entitled “Classified National Security Information” – they would know that it does not give the vice president the authority to declassify anything. In particular, it does not … Continue reading “Secrets Bush and
Cheney Can’t ‘Declassify’”

Next on Bush’s ‘Hit List’

They won’t admit it, but four years ago practically everyone in Congress knew that President Bush intended to invade Iraq irrespective of what Saddam had done, was doing, or intended to do. Senator Robert Byrd (D, WV) was one of the few who tried to stop Bush In the Senate on February 12, 2003, Byrd … Continue reading “Next on Bush’s ‘Hit List’”

Window Into Pre-War Planning

It is obvious from their stories that most of the “reporters” covering the trial of Lewis Libby – charged with perjury and obstruction of justice – have either never bothered to read the five count indictment [.pdf] or are too stupid to comprehend what they have read. Jason Leopold is a notable exception. In a … Continue reading “Window Into Pre-War Planning”

Mistakes Were Made

The goal of American foreign policy has long been the replacement – by force, if “necessary” – of existing “criminal” regimes, with regimes sycophantic to us. Criminal regimes. Like that of the late Saddam Hussein. What makes a regime criminal? Well, for self-styled liberal interventionists, it’s human rights abuse, ethnic cleansing and genocide. For self-styled … Continue reading “Mistakes Were Made”

Bonkers Bolton’s Legacy

Once George W. Bush became President, the neo-crazies – in and out of government – attempted to implement their long gestating plan to remake the Middle East to their peculiar liking, effecting “regime change” in Iraq, Iran and elsewhere, by force if necessary. Of course, the Best Congress Money Can Buy was perfectly willing to … Continue reading “Bonkers Bolton’s Legacy”

Preserve, Protect and Defend

On hearing of the death of former President Gerald Ford, syndicated columnist Robert Novak – who infamously “outed” a CIA covert agent in what appears to have been a White House conspiracy, involving Vice President Dick Cheney, to discredit the CIA operative’s husband, who had joined the international chorus of those claiming that President Bush … Continue reading “Preserve, Protect and Defend”

Condi’s Diplomatic Triumph

Last year Condi whizzed down to New Delhi to prevent India from finalizing technical and commercial contracts for a $4.5 billion natural gas pipeline – the so-called “Peace Pipeline” – that would transit Pakistan but provide Iranian natural gas mostly to India. Iran proposed making India effectively a “partner” in the gas pipeline, oil refining … Continue reading “Condi’s Diplomatic Triumph”