Another Act of War

In June of 2004, a neo-crazy media sycophant at Reuters (Charbonneau) reported that unidentified "diplomats and nuclear experts" had told him that "an experimental high-tech intelligence technique developed by the United States" had detected what sounded like the whine of gas-centrifuges, spinning at supersonic speeds, operating "somewhere" in Syria. Furthermore, the unidentified "diplomats" had told … Continue reading “Another Act of War”

Safeguarding ‘New-cue-lur’ Secrets

According to the Sunday Times, Sibel Edmonds has revealed to them details – in defiance of several government gag orders – of how this and several previous administrations "monitored", but did little or nothing to interfere with, the "infiltration" of Western states by "foreign states" seeking "nuclear secrets." Edmonds, a fluent speaker of Turkish and … Continue reading “Safeguarding ‘New-cue-lur’ Secrets”

Nunn-Domenici; Mission Subverted

Even as the Soviet Union was collapsing in late 1991, Senators Nunn and Lugar rushed through Congress authorization for the President, Secretary of Defense and Secretary of Energy to (a) assist Russia and the other states of the former Soviet Union secure and safeguard the 30,000 or more Soviet nuclear weapons (b) assist them in … Continue reading “Nunn-Domenici; Mission Subverted”

Another Iranian Act of Aggression

Since Bush’s own National Intelligence Estimate admitted that the Iranians had apparently called a halt back in 2003 to whatever it was our intelligence community had supposed might be a "nuclear weapons program," the Russians decided it was safe to deliver the Iranians the first load of low-enriched uranium fuel for the nuclear power plant … Continue reading “Another Iranian Act of Aggression”

Special Forces on Standby

Last July, after Pakistanis in the so-called "tribal areas" launched a series of attacks, including one against a Pakistani military convoy, in which 17 Pakistani soldiers were killed and 13 wounded, the Bush-Cheney administration publicly demanded that President Gen. Pervez Musharraf "rein in" those tribal Pakistanis. Or else. Or else what? Quoth White House spokesman … Continue reading “Special Forces on Standby”

Unhappy Hegemony

As you may have noticed, things have not been going well, recently, for the American Hegemony. That would be the global hegemony the wonderful folks who call themselves “neo-conservatives” – having been denied military victory in the Cold War by the internal collapse of the Soviet Union – have been determined to achieve any way … Continue reading “Unhappy Hegemony”

Justifying the Iraq War: Why the NIE Is Wrong

In case you thought that Bonkers Bolton was finally right about something – that the U.S. Intelligence Community had finally staged a "quasi-putsch," had finally stood up to the Likudniks and assorted neo-crazies hell-bent on launching a "pre-emptive" attack on Iran, had properly assessed the voluminous information the Iranians have made available (voluntarily or upon … Continue reading “Justifying the Iraq War: Why the NIE Is Wrong”

Liquidation of Empire

Winston Churchill – icon for President George W. Bush and the neo-crazies – is revered for declaring “I did not become Her Majesty’s First Minister so that I might oversee the liquidation of the British Empire!” Churchill is – understandably – much less revered for proceeding to do just that. With just a year to … Continue reading “Liquidation of Empire”

Smoking Laptop Follies

Well, there’s some semi-good news. Our courageous National Intelligence Council has just judged [.pdf] "with a high degree of confidence" that Iranian authorities had already halted, way back in 2003, what the NIC inexplicably still characterizes as a covert "nuclear weapons program." Some details of that alleged program, obtained from the hard-drive of a laptop … Continue reading “Smoking Laptop Follies”