Libya Intervention Threatens the Arab Spring

DOHA – Despite its official U.N.-granted legality, the credibility of Western military action in Libya is rapidly dwindling. Within just 48 hours of the start of the bombing campaign, the U.S. and its allies lost the support of the Arab League. Ironically, one of the reasons many people supported the call for a no-fly zone … Continue reading “Libya Intervention Threatens the Arab Spring”

Holding Obama to His Promises

The meaning of President Obama’s Iraq withdrawal speech, and its influence on real U.S. policy in Iraq, will not be determined solely by his actual words. The import of the speech – and whether its promises become real – will be determined by a fluid combination of what Obama says, his own definitions of what … Continue reading “Holding Obama to His Promises”

Out of Iraq? Not if Bush and Maliki Can Help It

Despite the recent surge of attention to the U.S.-Iraqi negotiations over an agreement to keep U.S. troops in Iraq for years into the future, the resulting agreement or lack of agreement is likely to have little actual impact on the occupation. The negotiations are being conducted by representatives of President George W. Bush and Prime … Continue reading “Out of Iraq? Not if Bush and Maliki Can Help It”

Understanding the US-Iran Crisis

Editor’s note: The following is adapted from Understanding the U.S.-Iran Crisis: A Primer. With George W. Bush’s administration in its last year in office, the danger of a U.S. military attack on Iran still looms as a dangerous possibility. Widespread official government, military, and analytical sources, including the collective assessment of all 16 U.S. intelligence … Continue reading “Understanding the US-Iran Crisis”