What Is Going to Happen in Ukraine?

Every day brings new noise and fury in the crisis over Ukraine, mostly from Washington. But what is really likely to happen? There are three possible scenarios: The first is that Russia will suddenly launch an invasion of Ukraine. The second is that the Ukrainian government in Kyiv will launch an escalation of its civil … Continue reading “What Is Going to Happen in Ukraine?”

Memo to Congress: Diplomacy for Ukraine Is Spelled M-i-n-s-k

While the Biden administration is sending more troops and weapons to inflame the Ukraine conflict and Congress is pouring more fuel on the fire, the American people are on a totally different track. A December 2021 poll found that a plurality of Americans in both political parties prefer to resolve differences over Ukraine through diplomacy. … Continue reading “Memo to Congress: Diplomacy for Ukraine Is Spelled M-i-n-s-k”

Hey, Hey, USA! How Many Bombs Did You Drop Today?

The Pentagon has finally published its first Airpower Summary since President Biden took office nearly a year ago. These monthly reports have been published since 2007 to document the number of bombs and missiles dropped by U.S.-led air forces in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria since 2004. But President Trump stopped publishing them after February 2020, … Continue reading “Hey, Hey, USA! How Many Bombs Did You Drop Today?”

The High Stakes of the US-Russia Confrontation Over Ukraine

A report in Covert Action Magazine from the self-declared Donetsk People’s Republic in Eastern Ukraine describes grave fears of a new offensive by Ukrainian government forces, after increased shelling, a drone strike by a Turkish-built drone and an attack on Staromaryevka, a village inside the buffer zone established by the 2014-15 Minsk Accords. The People’s … Continue reading “The High Stakes of the US-Russia Confrontation Over Ukraine”

How Can America Wake Up From Its Post-9/11 Nightmare?

Looking back on it now, the 1990s were an age of innocence for America. The Cold War was over and our leaders promised us a "peace dividend." There was no TSA to make us take off our shoes at airports (how many bombs have they found in those billions of shoes?). The government could not … Continue reading “How Can America Wake Up From Its Post-9/11 Nightmare?”

Will Americans Who Were Right on Afghanistan Still Be Ignored?

America’s corporate media are ringing with recriminations over the humiliating U.S. military defeat in Afghanistan. But very little of the criticism goes to the root of the problem, which was the original decision to militarily invade and occupy Afghanistan in the first place. That decision set in motion a cycle of violence and chaos that … Continue reading “Will Americans Who Were Right on Afghanistan Still Be Ignored?”

Biden Must Call Off the B-52s Bombing Afghan Cities

Nine provincial capitals in Afghanistan have fallen to the Taliban in six days – Zaranj, Sheberghan, Sar-e-Pul, Kunduz, Taloqan, Aybak, Farah, Pul-e-Khumri, and Faizabad – while fighting continues in four more – Lashkargah, Kandahar, Herat, and Mazar-i-Sharif. U.S. military officials now believe Kabul, Afghanistan’s capital, could fall in one to three months. It is horrific … Continue reading “Biden Must Call Off the B-52s Bombing Afghan Cities”

Cubans Are Suffering – Biden Needs To End the Embargo

The anti-government protests that erupted in various Cuban cities this July received enormous coverage in the U.S. press. But most of the coverage either underplayed or failed to mention the critical role played by the US embargo in creating the blackouts and shortages of food and medicines that fueled those protests. The US government has … Continue reading “Cubans Are Suffering – Biden Needs To End the Embargo”

America’s Afghan War Is Over, So What About Iraq – and Iran?

At Bagram air-base, Afghan scrap merchants are already picking through the graveyard of U.S. military equipment that was until recently the headquarters of America’s 20-year occupation of their country. Afghan officials say the last US forces slipped away from Bagram in the dead of night, without notice or coordination. The Taliban are rapidly expanding their … Continue reading “America’s Afghan War Is Over, So What About Iraq – and Iran?”

How Biden Helped Hardliner Raisi Win Iran Election

It was common knowledge that a U.S. failure to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal (known as the JCPOA) before Iran’s June presidential election would help conservative hard-liners to win the election. Indeed, on Saturday, June 19, the conservative Ebrahim Raisi was elected as the new President of Iran. Raisi has a record of brutally cracking … Continue reading “How Biden Helped Hardliner Raisi Win Iran Election”