Defeating Terrorism, Step One: Look in the Mirror

Following the March 11, 2004 terrorist attacks in Madrid, Secretary of State Colin Powell told ABC TV’s “This Week” that he hoped Europeans, recognizing that no one is immune, would dedicate themselves to “going after” terrorist organizations with military force, intelligence, and law enforcement. He said that all of us have to get together to … Continue reading “Defeating Terrorism, Step One: Look in the Mirror”

The Further Invention of Nonviolence

Last month, Judge G. Mallon Faircloth sentenced me to three months in prison for participating in a November, 2003 peaceful protest, organized by the School of the Americas Watch (SOAW), at Fort Benning, GA. During three days of trial, 27 activists offered moving testimony about why they carried crosses and coffins onto the base. Defendants … Continue reading “The Further Invention of Nonviolence”

Iraq Activist Kathy Kelly Sentenced to Federal Prison

Yesterday in Columbus, Georgia, Kathy Kelly, co-founder of Voices in the Wilderness and three-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, was sentenced to three months in federal prison for enacting her habit of bearing witness against US military violence, this time by crossing onto the property of Ft. Benning military base in November of 2003, as a … Continue reading “Iraq Activist Kathy Kelly Sentenced to Federal Prison”

Rebuilding Iraq with Poisoned Bricks

Oral traditions eventually recorded in the Book of Exodus narrate the tales of the ancient Israelites’ escape from bondage in Egypt. A cruel Pharaoh was ruthless in his murderous demands. Already crushed by the work of building monuments to their oppressor, they were then ordered to also gather the straw to make the bricks that … Continue reading “Rebuilding Iraq with Poisoned Bricks”

Hogtied and Abused at Fort Benning

On Sunday, November 23, I took part in a nonviolent civil disobedience action at Fort Benning, GA, to protest the U.S. Army´s School of the Americas (SOA, now called the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation – WHISC) Shortly after more than two dozen of us entered Fort Benning and were arrested, US Military Police … Continue reading “Hogtied and Abused at Fort Benning”

Searching For the Truth In Jenin

On April 17, we entered the Jenin camp for a third time,accompanied by Thawra. We had met Thawra the night we first entered Jenin. She came into the crowded, makeshift clinic organized by Palestinian Medical Relief Committee workers, cradling Ziad, an 18 day old infant born on the first night of the attack against Jenin. … Continue reading “Searching For the Truth In Jenin”

Re: The Politics of Dying Children by Matt Welch

A Note from the editor: Matt Welch‘s analysis of conflicting claims over the effect of sanctions on Iraq, published in Reason magazine, is typical of the "war-blogger" mentality: preening arrogance and pretensions to a strict just-the-facts standard. When he isn’t sneering at Noam Chomsky, and otherwise critiquing the politics of sanctions critics, he accuses the … Continue reading “Re: The Politics of Dying Children by Matt Welch”