Top Democrats Flee Peace Protests

I have been thinking for a while now that the Democrats really should sit down and consider changing their mascot from a donkey to a marmot. A rodent really is more emblematic of their provincial habits than a donkey could ever be. Think about it. Just this past weekend, antiwar rallies were held across the … Continue reading “Top Democrats Flee Peace Protests”

NYPD Unplugs Cindy Sheehan, but Not the Antiwar Movement

They can’t stop the antiwar movement, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t trying. On Monday Sept. 19, Cindy Sheehan spoke in New York City’s Union Square to a group of supporters and onlookers when police rushed in to break up her speech as it was winding down. “I was speaking and someone grabbed my backpack … Continue reading “NYPD Unplugs Cindy Sheehan, but Not the Antiwar Movement”

Bunny Bugs the War Profiteers

You most likely haven’t heard of a feisty woman named Bunnatine "Bunny" Greenhouse, even though you pay her salary. For over 20 years now, Greenhouse has overseen contracts at the Army Corps of Engineers. And up until last Saturday, Greenhouse was the highest-ranking civilian member of the Army Corps of Engineers. She has been demoted … Continue reading “Bunny Bugs the War Profiteers”

The Democrats and Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan is exactly what we needed. Following the 2004 elections, the antiwar movement was left in shambles, unable to recover from the malfunctions of the Democratic Party. had capitulated its antiwar position by supporting John pro-war Kerry. United for Peace and Justice did not organize a single rally against the Iraq occupation. Indeed, … Continue reading “The Democrats and Cindy Sheehan”

Gitmo’s Kangaroo Court

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) obtained two leaked e-mails from former military prosecutors at Guantanamo Bay over the weekend. The e-mails both claim that the military committees set up to try detainees at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba are "rigged, fraudulent, and thin on evidence against the accused." In the first e-mail obtained by the Australian … Continue reading “Gitmo’s Kangaroo Court”

With Hand on Heart: Pelosi Admits Israel Comes First

“The lessons we should learn from all The fighting in the days of old When providence bestowed divine The sanctuary purified Let lightning circle all you hold And don’t uproot the olive grove.” – Mirah, “Jerusalem” I think it is finally time we stood up and thanked Rep. Nancy Pelosi, the darling Democrat from the … Continue reading “With Hand on Heart: Pelosi Admits Israel Comes First”

Horowitz’s Gang Smears the Dead

David Horowitz and gang never cease to amaze. From their crackpot intellectualism to their red-baiting antics, it’s clear the folks over at are nothing short of fascist. On April 25, Ann Coulter wannabe and FrontPage darling Debbie Schlussel had this to say about the death of peace activist Marla Ruzicka, who, as I am … Continue reading “Horowitz’s Gang Smears the Dead”

Support the Troops, Oppose Their Actions

On Saturday, Nov. 6, 2004, U.S. forces pounded Fallujah and razed a civilian hospital. "Witnesses said only a facade remained of a small emergency hospital in the center of the city," reported the BBC News on the day of the military blitz. "A nearby medical supplies storeroom and dozens of houses were also damaged as … Continue reading “Support the Troops, Oppose Their Actions”

‘Dead Wrong’ and Probably Not for the Last Time

The presidential Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction released its findings [.pdf] on March 31, and the jury is no longer undecided. The intelligence community was “dead wrong” in almost all of its pre-war claims leading up to the Iraq invasion. Many of the failures that the … Continue reading “‘Dead Wrong’ and Probably Not for the Last Time”

Howard Dean Still Selling Out the Antiwar Movement

It was just over two years ago that I learned a little-known “antiwar” Democrat from Vermont was planning to run for president. At a rally on the eve of Bush’s Iraq invasion, a fellow protester handed me a leaflet touting the now infamous Howard Dean, hoping that the propaganda would entice me to support his … Continue reading “Howard Dean Still Selling Out the Antiwar Movement”