The Democrats’
Election-Year Stunts

You know you are either getting somewhere or losing ground fast when the Democrats begin to exploit your slogans during an election year. Howard Dean, the Democratic National Committee chair, last weekend plugged the necessity of pulling troops out of Iraq by year’s end. But his plea couldn’t carry less weight – for his party … Continue reading “The Democrats’
Election-Year Stunts”

Zarqawi and Lesser-Evil Politics

If you are looking for an alternative to the Bush agenda, you aren’t going to find it inside the Beltway. While President Bush makes a covert slog around Iraq to tout the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and the other deadly performances of our armed forces, the Democrats back home are doing exactly the same. … Continue reading “Zarqawi and Lesser-Evil Politics”

Holding the War Parties Accountable

There are plenty of reasons the Democrats continue to support the ongoing occupation of Iraq. Not only did they authorize the invasion, they continue to sit on their hands while our armed forces commit murder in the name of democracy in Haditha. Perhaps the worst of the Democrats still embracing the illegal war is Sen. … Continue reading “Holding the War Parties Accountable”

Leftists for Occupation

Even with mainstream reports that American troops are slaughtering Iraqi civilians, there are still plenty of lefties in the United States who cannot unify behind a call for an immediate and unconditional withdraw of occupation forces from Iraq. Fortunately, the majority of Americans understand that the U.S. presence in region is only contributing to the … Continue reading “Leftists for Occupation”

Challenging Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton is pocketing enormous amounts of cash across the country for her reelection campaign, from Manhattan to Hollywood. Yet, Hillary is facing what seems to be fierce opposition from within her own party, as well as from third parties here in New York. The main reason candidates have signed up to challenge Hillary is … Continue reading “Challenging Hillary Clinton”

Kerry’s Halfhearted Reversal

The search is finally over. Sen. John Kerry is believed to have found his heroic voice. He apparently misplaced it back in the early ’70s after standing up to the U.S. war in Vietnam upon his saluted return from battle. Now many antiwar liberals believe Kerry is dissenting yet again. "I have come here today … Continue reading “Kerry’s Halfhearted Reversal”

A War in Search of a Justification

On March 20, the twits at interviewed Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney, a retired U.S. Air Force pilot, who stated without a doubt that Saddam shipped WMD off to Syria on the eve of the Iraq invasion. McInerney was referring to documents he believes prove that Saddam was hiding his horrible weapons. Of the 600 … Continue reading “A War in Search of a Justification”

The Democrats’
Daddy Warbucks

Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum, could well be called the Democrats’ Daddy Warbucks. He’s scored bundles from war contracts. He has recently purchased a $16.5 million crib in San Francisco and along with his wife has handed hundreds of thousands of dollars over to fellow Democrats. Since the 2000 election cycle, Blum has contributed … Continue reading “The Democrats’
Daddy Warbucks”