Soap Opera Propaganda in Venezuela

CARACAS – The last battle for power is on in Venezuela, with a new soap opera shedding a positive light on President Hugo Chávez and his cause, and conflicting opinion poll results regarding the outcome of the Aug. 15 presidential recall referendum. Amores de Barrio Adentro (roughly translated as Love Inside the Neighborhood) is a … Continue reading “Soap Opera Propaganda in Venezuela”

Chávez Says Opposition May Have Enough Signatures

CARACAS (IPS) – Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez admitted that the opposition may have gathered enough signatures to trigger a recall referendum that could remove him from power within the next few months. The political crisis thus seems to be moving smoothly in the direction of a peaceful, electoral solution, according to analysts. “I never said … Continue reading “Chávez Says Opposition May Have Enough Signatures”

Recall Qualifies: Regime Change Imminent in Venezuela?

CARACAS (IPS) – Venezuela will hold a recall vote for President Hugo Chávez, it was confirmed Thursday, after the election authorities announced that the opposition had gathered enough signatures to trigger a referendum. The valid signatures total at least 2.451 million, according to the National Electoral Council. That exceeds the minimum of 2.436 million, or … Continue reading “Recall Qualifies: Regime Change Imminent in Venezuela?”

Venezuela Opposition Upbeat about Last Phase of Recall Effort

CARACAS (IPS) – The opposition movement in Venezuela assumed a triumphalist attitude Monday while President Hugo Chávez’s supporters urged people to wait for the final results of the last phase of the signature-gathering effort aimed at activating a recall referendum to oust the president. "We have enough signatures. More than 700,000 people made this dream … Continue reading “Venezuela Opposition Upbeat about Last Phase of Recall Effort”