To Understand Iran, Try History, Not Hysteria

Most Americans trace the origins of the US-Iran conflict back to the 1979 seizure of the US Embassy in Tehran by Islamist revolutionaries overthrowing an erstwhile valuable regional ally. What most people in the United States don’t know is that the actions of those young Iranians nearly 40 years ago were in fact an explosive … Continue reading “To Understand Iran, Try History, Not Hysteria”

Unit 731: How Leaders of Japan’s WWII Germ Warfare Unit Ended Up Working for the US

Unit 731, the notorious germ warfare unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that conducted horrific lethal experiments on Chinese civilians and Allied prisoners of war before and during World War II, is back in the news again after the Japanese government released the names of more than 3,000 of its former members. The unit is … Continue reading “Unit 731: How Leaders of Japan’s WWII Germ Warfare Unit Ended Up Working for the US”

Deir Yassin: The Zionist Massacre That Sparked the Nakba

This week marks the 70th anniversary of the Deir Yassin massacre, in which Jewish militias murdered over 100 Palestinian men, women and children as part of a self-described "cleansing" campaign to expel indigenous Arabs to make way for the nascent state of Israel. One of the key ideological elements of Zionism – the movement for … Continue reading “Deir Yassin: The Zionist Massacre That Sparked the Nakba”

Macedonia Apologizes to Innocent German Seized and Tortured by CIA

The government of Macedonia has formally apologized to Khaled el-Masri, a German citizen who was unlawfully abducted, tortured and handed over to the United States, which further tortured him at a secret CIA "black site" in Afghanistan under its Bush-era extraordinary rendition program. The Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed to the Associated Press on … Continue reading “Macedonia Apologizes to Innocent German Seized and Tortured by CIA”

While MSM Screams About Eastern Ghouta, US Bombs Kill Over 100 Syrian Civilians

The US corporate mainstream media has turned its attention back to Syria, where Russian-backed Syrian government troops have killed hundreds of civilians during weeks of air and artillery bombardment of the rebel-held Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta. Outlets including CNN, NBC, Fox News and the New York Times have recently run headlines revealing how Syrian … Continue reading “While MSM Screams About Eastern Ghouta, US Bombs Kill Over 100 Syrian Civilians”