The Reign of Absurdiocy

There is no such thing as "international terrorism". To declare war on "international terrorism" is nonsense. Politicians who do so are either fools or cynics, and probably both. Terrorism is a weapon. Like cannon. We would laugh at somebody who declares war on "international artillery". A cannon belongs to an army, and serves the aims … Continue reading “The Reign of Absurdiocy”

The Cats of Ariel

Every time you think we have reached the limit, something else pops up and the limit moves. One might have thought that the Hitler-Mufti story was the absolute limit of craziness. But here comes Uri Ariel, and proves one wrong. Ariel’s cats top Netanyahu’s mufti. Ariel is a cabinet minister. Eh, minister for what? Almost … Continue reading “The Cats of Ariel”

Adolf, Amin, and Bibi

It is not very pleasant when serious people around the world – historians, psychiatrists, diplomats – ask themselves if my prime minister is completely sane. But this is happening now. And not only abroad. More and more people in Israel are asking themselves the same question. All this is the result of one event. But … Continue reading “Adolf, Amin, and Bibi”

Weep, Beloved Country

Sometimes, a small incident can pierce the darkness and reveal a frightening picture. This happened last Sunday in Beersheba, the capital of the Negev. The picture was frightening indeed. The incident started as a routine attack, one of many we have become used to in recent weeks. Some call it "the Third Intifada", some speak … Continue reading “Weep, Beloved Country”

The Settlers’ Prussia

Israeli democracy is sliding downwards. Sliding slowly, comfortably, but unmistakably. Sliding where? Everybody knows that: towards an ultra-nationalist, racist, religious society. Who is leading the ride? Why, the government, of course. This group of noisy nobodies which came to power at the last elections, led by Binyamin Netanyahu. Not really. Take all these big-mouthed little … Continue reading “The Settlers’ Prussia”

The Face of a Boy

The misdeeds of Napoleon’s occupation army in Spain were not photographed. Photography had not yet been invented. The valiant fighters against the occupation had to rely on Francisco Goya for the immortal painting of the resistance. The partisans and underground fighters against the German occupation of their countries in World War II had no time … Continue reading “The Face of a Boy”

The Magician’s Apprentice

One has to choose: Binyamin Netanyahu is either incredibly shrewd or incredibly foolish. Take his Iran policy. Actually, there is little to choose from. Netanyahu has no other policy to speak off. According to him, Iran constitutes a mortal danger to Israel. If it obtains a nuclear weapon, God forbid, it will use it to … Continue reading “The Magician’s Apprentice”

Jewish Terrorists

Some of my best friends demand that I write an article condemning unconditionally the "administrative detention" of Jewish terrorists. Three suspected terrorists have already been arrested under this procedure. They are members of a group following the teachings of Rabbi Meir Kahane (the leader is actually his grandson). Kahane was an American Rabbi who came … Continue reading “Jewish Terrorists”