Israel’s Embarassed Arab Allies

One of the most famous lines in German poetry is "Don’t greet me under the lime trees." The Jewish-German poet Heinrich Heine asks his sweetheart not to embarrass him in public by greeting him in the main street of Berlin, which is called "Unter den Linden" ("Under the Lime Trees"). Israel is in the position … Continue reading “Israel’s Embarassed Arab Allies”

My Terrorist, Your Terrorist

So is Hezbollah a terrorist organization? Of course not. So why has the Arab League decided that they are? Because most of the league’s member states are Sunni Muslims, while Hezbollah is a Shiite organization supporting Shiite Iran and Alawite (quasi-Shiite) Bashar al-Assad in Syria. So were Israel’s Arab parties right when they condemned the … Continue reading “My Terrorist, Your Terrorist”

Optimism of the Will

So now we have another anti-Semite. Mazal Tov ("good luck") as we say in Hebrew. His name is Ban Ki-moon, and he is the Secretary General of the UN. In practice, the highest international official, a kind of World Prime Minister. He has dared to criticize the Israeli government, as well as the Palestinian Authority, … Continue reading “Optimism of the Will”

Extreme, Extremer, Extremest

As is well-known, Israel is a "Jewish and democratic state". That is its official designation. Well… As for Jewish, it’s a new kind of Jewishness, a mutation. For 2000 years or so, Jews were known to be wise, clever, peace-loving, humane, progressive, liberal, even socialist. Today, when you hear these attributes, the State of Israel … Continue reading “Extreme, Extremer, Extremest”