The Boycott Revisited

The people of Sodom, the Bible tells us, were very wicked indeed. They had a nasty habit of putting every passing stranger into one particular bed. If the stranger was too tall, his legs were shortened. If he was too short, his body was stretched to the required length. In a way, each of us … Continue reading “The Boycott Revisited”

Against the Israel Boycott

How much did the boycott of South Africa actually contribute to the fall of the racist regime? This week I talked with Desmond Tutu about this question, which has been on my mind for a long time. No one is better qualified to answer this question than he. Tutu, the South African Anglican archbishop and … Continue reading “Against the Israel Boycott”

Abridged Histories of the Holy Land

The ancient port of Acre is now the object of a fierce battle. The Arab inhabitants of the town want the port to bear the name of an Arab hero, Issa al Awam, a general under Saladin, the Muslim leader who defeated the Crusaders. The municipality of Acre, which of course is dominated by the … Continue reading “Abridged Histories of the Holy Land”

A Jeremiad and a Message of Hope

Dear Dov Yermiya, I have received the distressing letter that you recently sent to a limited number of friends. You paint the Israeli reality in dark – but true – colors, and end by cutting your ties with it. "Therefore I, a 95-year-old Sabra (native-born Israeli Jew), who has plowed its fields, planted trees, built … Continue reading “A Jeremiad and a Message of Hope”

Israeli Way of War Inherently Criminal

Like the ghost of Hamlet’s father, the evil spirit of the Gaza War refuses to leave us in peace. This week it came back to disturb the tranquility of the chiefs of the state and the army. "Breaking the Silence," a group of courageous former combat soldiers, published a report comprising the testimonies of 30 … Continue reading “Israeli Way of War Inherently Criminal”

Israeli Court Rebukes Military

Not every day, and not even every decade, does the Supreme Court rebuke the military advocate general. The last time this happened was 20 years ago, when the advocate general refused to issue a proper indictment against an officer who ordered his men to break the arms and legs of a bound Palestinian. The officer … Continue reading “Israeli Court Rebukes Military”