Who Is the Ruler of Israel?

Who Is the Ruler of Israel? Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, of course. Wrong The real ruler of Israel is one Sheldon Adelson, 81, American Jew, Casino king, who was rated as the world’s tenth richest person, worth 37.2 billion dollars at the latest count. But who is counting? Besides his casinos in Las Vegas, Pennsylvania, … Continue reading “Who Is the Ruler of Israel?”

Splendid Isolation

Almost a thousand Israeli personalities have already signed an appeal to European parliaments for their governments to recognize the State of Palestine. I am honored to be among the signatories, which include former ministers and members of the Knesset, diplomats and generals, artists and businessmen, writers and poets, including Israel’s three outstanding writers Amos Oz, … Continue reading “Splendid Isolation”

The Israeli Plebiscite

Israelis are fed up with Binyamin Netanyahu. They are fed up with the government. They are fed up with all political parties. They are fed up with themselves. They are fed up. That is the reason for the disintegration of the government this week. It did not fall because of any particular issue. Certainly not … Continue reading “The Israeli Plebiscite”

A Decent Respect for the Opinions of Mankind

If the British parliament had adopted a resolution in favor of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, the reaction of our media would have been like this: "In an atmosphere of great enthusiasm, the British parliament adopted with a huge majority (274 for, a mere 12 against) a pro-Israeli motion…Over half the seats were … Continue reading “A Decent Respect for the Opinions of Mankind”

Crusaders and Zionists

Lately, the words "Crusaders" and "Zionists" have been appearing more and more often as twins. In a documentary about ISIS I just saw, they appeared together in almost every sentence uttered by the Islamist fighters, including teenagers. Some sixty years ago I wrote an article whose title was just that: "Crusaders and Zionists". Perhaps it … Continue reading “Crusaders and Zionists”

Israel’s Hannibal Procedure

The last war has come to an end, the next war has not yet started, so let’s use the time to speak of many things. Of Hannibal, for example. Hannibal? The man with the elephants? The very same. Hannibal, the Carthaginian commander who is considered one of the military geniuses of all times, was a … Continue reading “Israel’s Hannibal Procedure”

The War for Nothing

After 50 days, the war is over. Hallelujah. On the Israeli side: 71 dead, among them 66 soldiers, 1 child. On the Palestinian side: 2,143 dead, 577 of them children, 263 women, 102 elderly. 11,230 injured. 10,800 buildings destroyed. 8,000 partially destroyed. About 40,000 damaged homes. Among the damaged buildings: 277 schools, 10 hospitals, 70 … Continue reading “The War for Nothing”