Historical Amnesia and the Destruction of the Senate Torture Report

When Winston Smith thinks he has finally made contact with the underground movement he has always hoped existed, in George Orwell’s 1984, he drinks a toast, not to the hoped-for future, but to the past, because "he who controls the past controls the future." With the "erasure of the past," current events can look like … Continue reading “Historical Amnesia and the Destruction of the Senate Torture Report”

Is a Silent Coup in Democratic Disguise Taking Place in Brazil?

After the first phase of overt military regime changes in Latin America, the 1954 CIA overthrow of Guatemala’s Jacobo Arbenz ushered in the era of covert coups. The list is well known: Arbenz in Guatemala, Allende in Chile. Much less well known is the 1964 coup that removed Brazil’s Joao Goulart from power, which was … Continue reading “Is a Silent Coup in Democratic Disguise Taking Place in Brazil?”

How New Sanctions Will Be Perceived in Iran

The moment the United States removed their nuclear sanctions on Iran, they slapped new sanctions on Iran, claiming that two Iranian tests of ballistic missiles that are capable of delivering nuclear warheads violates Security Council resolutions. The Iranians had no sooner learned that nuclear sanctions had been removed following the International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) … Continue reading “How New Sanctions Will Be Perceived in Iran”

What We Knew: A Recent History of Deception

If democracy is a transparent system of government by the people, in which elected officials represent their constituents, then America is failing the test of democracy in its foreign policy. Because, far from governing on behalf of the people they represent, the people are being deceived by their representatives. This failure is especially egregious and … Continue reading “What We Knew: A Recent History of Deception”

The Knot At the Heart of the Ukraine Crisis

The origin of the Ukraine crisis is consistently reported in the West as an unfortunate and unpopular choice by President Viktor Yanukovych to go with an economic alliance with Russia over the economic alliance offered by the European Union. The package offered by the European Union is portrayed as benign and Yanukovych’s rejection of it … Continue reading “The Knot At the Heart of the Ukraine Crisis”

Hillary Clinton’s Hawkish Response to the Iranian Nuclear Deal

Going back at least as early as the 1989 Presidential election of Hashemi Rafsanjani, Iran has been attempting to end its international isolation by improving relations with the United States. And at least since the election of Iran’s next President, Seyyed Mohammad Khatami, in 1997, it has been the hope of the Iranian leadership that, … Continue reading “Hillary Clinton’s Hawkish Response to the Iranian Nuclear Deal”

America’s Bizarre Initial Response to the Islamic State

Regime change is a complex and messy thing. Attempts at regime change always involve three parties: the government who desires to carry out the regime change, the regime it wishes to change, and the domestic group meant to replace the current regime or at least facilitate the coup. The history of attempted American coups is … Continue reading “America’s Bizarre Initial Response to the Islamic State”

Stephen Harper’s Unprincipled and Inconsistent Foreign Policy

Over a year ago, as chaos erupted in Ukraine, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper was one of the first voices to join the choir of hyperbole in the refrain that Putin’s invasion of Crimea was analogous to Hitler’s invasion of the Sudetenland. His – at the time – Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said “"The … Continue reading “Stephen Harper’s Unprincipled and Inconsistent Foreign Policy”

America Fans the Flames While Europe Puts Out the Fire

A pattern is emerging across current events from Syria to Iran to Ukraine. The pattern has two parts. In the first, America is increasingly in conflict with her natural allies. America, contrary to its mythical image as the cops of the world, fans the flames of conflict and finds itself in conflict with the Europeans … Continue reading “America Fans the Flames While Europe Puts Out the Fire”