Is Russia Expanding Its Goals in Ukraine?

On July 20, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia’s war aims had been altered and that Russia might have to push further west. "Now the geography is different," he said, "it’s far from being just the DPR and LPR [Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics], it’s also "Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions and a number … Continue reading “Is Russia Expanding Its Goals in Ukraine?”

Global Reform and How the US Hurts Itself

Two of the biggest international crises confronting the US today are Russia’s war in Ukraine and the comatose renegotiations of the nuclear agreement with Iran. From an American foreign policy perspective, nothing could be more desirable than reform in the leadership of those two countries. But both Russia and Iran have, in the past, offered … Continue reading “Global Reform and How the US Hurts Itself”

Does Biden’s Base in Poland Break a NATO Promise?

On June 29, Biden introduced his presence at the NATO summit in Madrid, by announcing that the US would establish a permanent headquarters for US forces stationed in Poland. Biden announced that "The new base will be home to the first permanent US forces on NATO’s eastern flank." It will be the first permanent US … Continue reading “Does Biden’s Base in Poland Break a NATO Promise?”

Biden’s Trip: Saudi Arabia Versus Iran

On Friday, July 15, President Biden will land in Saudi Arabia. The White House has worked overtime struggling to defend against the charge that the trip to the repressive autocracy with one of the worst human rights records in the world reveals the hypocrisy and empty words of Biden’s defining democracy versus autocracy foreign policy … Continue reading “Biden’s Trip: Saudi Arabia Versus Iran”

Calling Biden’s Bluff: Exposing the White House’s Cynical Foreign Policy

It’s a good thing Biden is the president and not a poker player. Two Middle East rivals each just called his bluff. The results were different. But what they revealed is the same. Biden’s pretended idealism folded fast to reveal a hand full of pragmatism. Biden had promised to shun Saudi Arabia and its Crown … Continue reading “Calling Biden’s Bluff: Exposing the White House’s Cynical Foreign Policy”

The State of Russia-China Relations

Only weeks before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Chinese President XI Jinping said that the relationship between Russia and China "even exceeds an alliance in its closeness and effectiveness." And yet, since the Russian invasion, China has seemed remarkably quiet and restrained. Has the relationship proven to be a paper relationship whose words are stronger … Continue reading “The State of Russia-China Relations” Now More Than Ever

A couple of years ago, I was corresponding with Daniel Ellsberg, the elder statesman of whistleblowers and the author of The Doomsday Machine. I had never had the pleasure of talking to him before, so I introduced myself as a columnist at He told me that is his "go-to site every morning!" The … Continue reading “ Now More Than Ever”

The Importance of Colombia’s Election

Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has assumed the mantle of leader of Latin America’s struggle against US hegemony and the US’s colonial treatment of the region. He has called for “the replacement of the Organization of American States (OAS) by a new body that integrates all the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.” … Continue reading “The Importance of Colombia’s Election”

The Problem With Going to Saudi Arabia

On June 14, the White House announced that President Biden will go to Saudi Arabia and that he will "hold bilateral meetings with the Saudi hosts." Pressing the White House on its ambiguity, a reporter asked if that means Biden will be meeting with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The official circled around the question … Continue reading “The Problem With Going to Saudi Arabia”