First Strike: The US and the World’s Most Dangerous Nuclear Policy

On October 27, Russian President Vladimir Putin said he would not use nuclear weapons; on the same day, US President Joe Biden said he would. Two days earlier, at talks being held between the US, Japan and South Korea, Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman explained that the "ironclad" US commitment to defending Japan and … Continue reading “First Strike: The US and the World’s Most Dangerous Nuclear Policy”

US Admits Iran Is Not Building a Nuclear Bomb

America’s top diplomat for negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran said on October 30 that the US is not going to "waste time" trying to keep the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal alive. President Biden’s special envoy for Iran, Robert Malley, said that “It is not on our agenda. We are not … Continue reading “US Admits Iran Is Not Building a Nuclear Bomb”

Four Ways Lula’s Victory Will Reshape the US-Led World

On October 30, former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva once again became president of Brazil. In the first round of the election, Lula DA Silva won 48% of the vote versus 43% for the incumbent Jair Bolsonaro. Falling short of the 50% required to win in the first round, the election headed to a … Continue reading “Four Ways Lula’s Victory Will Reshape the US-Led World” The Need for Courageous Media

There are several excellent sources of alternative media. In the course of my research, there are two or three websites that I make sure I read each day. But the one I read first every morning is Being a truly antiwar, nonviolent website requires great courage and honesty. Obviously, it requires courage because it … Continue reading “ The Need for Courageous Media”

It is America’s Obligation To Negotiate an End to the War

As the war in Ukraine grinds on and the world pays and Ukrainians suffer and die, the US has an obligation to end it. If everyone is to return to the negotiating table, it is the US that must set the table and send out the invitations. Moral Obligation It is not just that the … Continue reading “It is America’s Obligation To Negotiate an End to the War”

Choosing Sides in the New Cold War

In his September 21 address to the United Nations General Assembly, President Biden said "We do not seek a Cold War. We do not ask any nation to choose between the United States or any other partner.” It took a lot of courage to make that claim. On October 5, OPEC+ announced that they were … Continue reading “Choosing Sides in the New Cold War”

Who Stopped the War in Ukraine?

Up until now, the heated question has been about who is responsible for starting the war in Ukraine. Biden and the West call the war "unprovoked" and apportion all the blame to Russia; Putin and his partners say NATO expansion provoked the war and apportion all the blame to the US and NATO. There is … Continue reading “Who Stopped the War in Ukraine?”

Stop the Dangerous Escalation of the War in Ukraine

A recent series of escalations has brought the war in Ukraine to a dangerous moment that necessitates an equally dramatic change of diplomatic course and push for negotiations for peace. The current round of dangerous escalations began with the unmasking of the level of US involvement in the war: a level so great that it … Continue reading “Stop the Dangerous Escalation of the War in Ukraine”

North Korea: An Opportunity Missed

In September, North Korea passed a law that, for the first time, declared itself a nuclear weapons state that will "never give up" its nuclear weapons. On October 3, North Korea fired a ballistic missile over the northern territory of Japan. It didn’t necessarily have to unfold this way. According to the Arms Control Association, … Continue reading “North Korea: An Opportunity Missed”