Iraq: 22 Killed in Attacks, Including 7 Kidnapped Truck Drivers

In Mosul, a bomb killed three soldiers and two officers. A policeman was killed in a separate bombing. A bomb wounded three policemen. Another bomb wounded a police commander.

Seven truckers were killed after being kidnapped at a checkpoint in rural Diyala province.

A bomb in Qayara targeted a police colonel. He was wounded along with a policeman. Another policeman was killed.

Gunmen killed a soldier and wounded two more at a Falluja checkpoint.

Two policemen were gunned down in Riyadh.

In Adhaim, two gunmen were killed as they were planting a bomb. A bomb injured the head of the local council.

An I.E.D. in Tikrit wounded four people.

Three al-Qaeda suspects were killed in Diyala province during a raid.

Author: Margaret Griffis

Margaret Griffis is a journalist from Miami Beach, Florida and has been covering Iraqi casualties for since 2006.