Monday: 4 Iraqis Killed, 2 Wounded

At least four Iraqis were killed and two more were wounded in light Eid al-Fitr holiday violence. Meanwhile, Muntadhar al-Zaidi, the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at then-U.S. President George Bush last year, has requested Swiss asylum. Also, a public inquiry in Britain has learned that British troops repeatedly abused Iraqi detainees.

A sticky bomb blew up on a car located at a petrol station in Latifiya. Three people were killed and two more were wounded in the explosion and subsequent fire.

A four-year-old child died from random gunfire injuries in Tal Afar.

A bomb blast and fire damaged a U.S. vehicle in Balad. No casualties were reported, but two suspects were arrested.

In Duluiya, a rocket destroyed a U.S. vehicle, but no casualties were so far reported.

Six suspects were arrested in Basra.

Security forces arrested 52 al-Qaeda suspects in Jurf al-Sakhar.

Turkey top military commander asked the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) to lay down their arms. The PKK has unilaterally imposed a ceasefire on itself, but Turkey has continued operations against the rebel group. That ceasefire ends tomorrow. The PKK has fought for an independent Kurdistan that incorporates parts of Turkey, but many supporters will accept expanded rights for Turkish Kurds.

Author: Margaret Griffis

Margaret Griffis is a journalist from Miami Beach, Florida and has been covering Iraqi casualties for since 2006.