On September 11, 2014, MSNBC aired footage from 9/11 for hours, and after 13 years of being furious at the US government instead of the people who murdered 3000 people on that day, it was almost a relief to learn that video of it still disturbs. No matter what happened before or afterwards, 9/11 was …
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The last war has come to an end, the next war has not yet started, so let’s use the time to speak of many things. Of Hannibal, for example. Hannibal? The man with the elephants? The very same. Hannibal, the Carthaginian commander who is considered one of the military geniuses of all times, was a …
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At least 28 people, mostly civilians, were killed today as 56 more were wounded. Meanwhile, several partners in the war against the Islamic State clarified their roles in the conflict.
In the run-up to World War II, Franklin Roosevelt played the role of the reluctant warmonger. Rather than initiating the action, he took care to be always responding to the war cries of his hopped up left-wing supporters – who were demanding US intervention on behalf of the beleaguered Soviet Union. The American people wanted …
Continue reading “Iraq War III: Obama’s ‘Operation Doubletalk’”
The strategy that President Obama laid out Wednesday night to “degrade and ultimately destroy the terrorist group known as ISIL,” is incoherent, inconsistent and, ultimately, non-credible. A year ago, Obama and John Kerry were straining at the leash to launch air strikes on Syrian President Bashar Assad for his alleged use of chemical weapons in …
Continue reading “The Forever War”
Bombers targeted Baghdad and several cities south of the capital. Airstrikes continued in the north and west. Overall at least 124 people were killed and 81 were wounded.
What better gift for the War On Terror-Industrial-Complex (WOTIC) than the rapid rise and initial success of the Islamic State, formerly known as ISIS? A patchwork of brutal know-nothing thugs, IS militants can’t wait to impose a twisted version of “Shariah” on their unwilling victims, and to terrorize actual and potential opponents through mass executions …
Continue reading “Islamic State and the American Way of War: The New Enemy Creation Process”
James Madison is commonly referred to as the Father of the Constitution in large measure because, in the secrecy of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787, he kept the most complete set of notes. He also had a very keen mind and a modest demeanor and an uncanny ability to solidify consensus around basic …
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U.S. President Barack Obama spoke before the American public today about fighting the Islamic State in Iraq. Meanwhile, at least 228 people were killed or found dead today. Dozens were found in mass graves, perhaps even hundreds. Another 59 were wounded, mostly in Baghdad, where suicide bombers took their toll.
The revelation by a spokesman for the family of Steven Sotloff, the second journalist beheaded by the Islamic State (ISIS), that Sotloff was "sold [to ISIS] for between $25–50,000," by the US-supported "moderate" Free Syrian Army underscores the irony and absurdity of this moment. As the President gets ready to go to the American people …
Continue reading “America’s Frankenstein Brigade”