Tuesday: 2 Iraqis Killed, 7 Wounded

At least two Iraqis were killed and seven more were wounded in light violence. Meanwhile, a former minister under Tony Blair, Claire Short, called Blair a liar and further accused him of stifling discussion leading up to the war. Also, Parliamentary Deputy Adil Badrawi called for a “serious dialogue” between the U.S. and Iran to prevent a regional war.

Kuwaiti Pentagon Contractor Faces Fraud Charges

Agility, a Kuwait-based multi-billion-dollar logistics company spawned by the U.S. invasion of Iraq, is scheduled to be arraigned on Feb. 8 on criminal charges of overbilling U.S. taxpayers for food supply contracts in the Iraq war zone that were worth more than $8.5 billion. If the lawsuit is successful, the company could owe the U.S. … Continue reading “Kuwaiti Pentagon Contractor Faces Fraud Charges”

Helpless in Gaza

JERUSALEM – Scores of Palestinian women and their children carefully sift through the desert sands. They are looking for hard nuggets. No gold rush here in the Gaza Strip – all they are putting into their sacks are pebbles and pieces of hard rock. Even Israelis were moved when their main commercial channel, Channel 2, … Continue reading “Helpless in Gaza”

Bring Our Marines Home

A month after Germany surrendered in May 1945, America’s eyes turned to the Far East, where the bloodiest battle of the Pacific war was joined on the island of Okinawa. Twelve thousand U.S. soldiers and Marines would die – twice as many dead in 82 days of fighting as have died in all the years … Continue reading “Bring Our Marines Home”

Monday: 56 Iraqis Killed, 142 Wounded

The first major bomb attack against Shi’ite pilgrims took place in northern Baghdad today, leaving scores dead or wounded. Overall, at least 56 Iraqis were killed and 138 more were wounded across the country. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims continue to make their way to Karbala for Arbaeen observances despite the attacks.