Iraqis Forces Push North as 22 Are Killed

Despite not completely securing Baiji, Iraqi forces say they have now pushed as far north as Zawiya on the main Baghdad to Mosul highway. The hope is that this strategy will cut supply lines towards Hawija and Kirkuk.

An American drone aircraft crashed in Wasit province. No casualties were reported.

At least 22 were killed and two were wounded:

In Mosul, militants executed two lawyers.

A man was shot to death to death in Shirqat after he had killed five militants on his own.

A landmine planted in the recently liberated village of Albu Mohammed exploded, wounding one Peshmerga member.

Gunmen wounded a policeman in Jbela.

In Qayara, 11 militants were killed.

Three militants were killed at the refinery in Baiji.

Author: Margaret Griffis

Margaret Griffis is a journalist from Miami Beach, Florida and has been covering Iraqi casualties for since 2006.