War Increasingly Spills Over Into Classrooms

UNITED NATIONS — The most pressing global challenge to children’s rights may be the increasing number of military attacks on schools in war zones, according to a Human Rights Watch report released Wednesday. “It’s an issue that we now want to get more attention to internationally, so that we can sort of stigmatize the issue, … Continue reading “War Increasingly Spills Over Into Classrooms”

‘McCarthyism’ Rises in Israel

JERUSALEM – Rightwing Israeli groups financially supported by Jewish and fundamentalist Christian groups from abroad are on a campaign to undermine free thought in Israeli universities. Collaterally, a move is under way by right-wing parties in the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, to limit the freedom of action of civil and human rights-minded NGOs. Under the semblance … Continue reading “‘McCarthyism’ Rises in Israel”