Gay Rights and American Foreign Policy

The announcement that the US government will henceforth push the achievement of “gay rights” internationally, as a key element of its foreign policy, gives new meaning to the phrase “blowback” – and cut out the snickering! Because the self-righteousness and narcissism of American policymakers, in this instance, will have very real consequences for gay people … Continue reading “Gay Rights and American Foreign Policy”

We Shall Overcome

The governor of Iowa says that if Ron Paul wins the GOP caucus, the best thing to do is to “ignore him” – and, if you go here, you can see the “mainstream” media agrees. Rich Lowry over at the National Review proclaims that if the only anti-interventionist candidate gets the votes of Iowa Republicans, … Continue reading “We Shall Overcome”

When the Bubble Bursts

As the trial of Bradley Manning begins, the focus is on the boring and utterly irrelevant detail of his sexual “orientation”: the defense is, understandably, trying to get the charges dismissed by playing up this aspect of the case. His lawyers are making the argument that his disorientation as a gay (or transgender) man in … Continue reading “When the Bubble Bursts”

The Democratic Delusion

Author’s note: Back in the summer of 2005, I took the opportunity provided by elections in Ethiopia to challenge the neoconservative fantasy (or is it just an excuse?) that it makes any sense for America to use force to export “democracy” to the world. It’s liberty that matters, and we’re down to just our last … Continue reading “The Democratic Delusion”

Setting the Trap

Buried in the annual defense appropriations bill is a provision that would give the President the power to use the military to intern anyone – including American citizens – indefinitely, and hold them without charges or trial, anywhere in the world, including on American soil. The provision essentially repeals the longstanding Posse Comitatus Act, which … Continue reading “Setting the Trap”