Eid ‘Sensations’

KABUL — On Oct. 24, two days before Eid, an opinion piece published in the elite U.S. journal Foreign Policy extolled the fact that U.S. forces are winning in Afghanistan, adding, “Why hsn’t the media noticed?” In the article, the author suggests that Taliban forces are so decimated and demoralized that they have been resigned … Continue reading “Eid ‘Sensations’”

Walk to the NATO Summit: Striding Toward Peace

On what is now the 17th day of our walk from Madison to Chicago, the number 165 does not seem to encapsulate all the progress we have made. We are 17 days and 165 miles away from the day I drove into Madison, where news arrived that Air Force One had descended on pre-dawn Kabul … Continue reading “Walk to the NATO Summit: Striding Toward Peace”